Dungeon Time (Play at Work)

Read Online Dungeon Time (Play at Work) by Kate Richards - Free Book Online

Book: Dungeon Time (Play at Work) by Kate Richards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Richards
see having his babies and sharing his home—his Dom side emerged to take over the scene.
    He hadn’t even fucked her yet. Wasn’t that something a vanilla couple would have done? Before oral sex? He honestly didn’t know. His relationships had never been of that sort. Not since his first fumblings in the backseat of a senior girl’s car when he was only a sophomore. The sophisticated eighteen-year-old had shown him things few sixteen-year-olds ever learned.
    Anna shifted in her sleep, and he tucked her closer, her head on his chest, one slender thigh stretched over his legs. He petted her hair, murmuring to her until her breaths came long and slow. She needed the nap, and he needed time to think.
    Their very first encounter and he had begun stretching her, a bit of anal training. Would she consent to anal sex? Certainly her first partner had not penetrated that barrier. Edward would be the first. His cock jerked against her side when he remembered how tight it had been, how he’d barely gotten one finger in a little despite her free-flowing juices.
    If they’d still been at his house, he would have overdone, gotten out something she would have been shocked by, perhaps literally. He did enjoy his violet wand. And a vanilla relationship did not include electrical play. Or piercings—how pretty would her pussy look with the right jewelry?
    If he had any sense or morals, he would leave and try to forget any of this ever happened. Anna was not the girl for him. Even if she eventually understood and agreed to what he liked, she’d come to hate him for it.
    The thought galvanized him, and he eased her away and got dressed. He couldn’t have Anna hate him. After only one short encounter, she might forgive him for ending things, especially since he had given her a great time and walked away without even having an orgasm himself. Did women understand that kind of sacrifice?
    Edward dug in a pile of bedding and found a blanket and pillow. He covered her up and tucked the pillow under her head, kissed her cheek then headed for home, sad, depressed and disgusted.
    That new sub was the kind of girl for a man like him. Maybe he should let Roland know he’d take the blonde off his hands. He was too depraved to deserve ordinary happiness.

Chapter Six
    Anna rolled over and moaned. For a moment, she had no idea where she was, the sounds and light all off. Her room’s heavy drapes never admitted such a golden glow. What was that crashing noise? Like ocean waves….
    A popcorn ceiling, another oddity. She buried her face in a pillow The scent of sandalwood and musk in the bare mattress brought it back. Edward. She wasn’t in San Pedro anymore. She’d never slept on a bed without sheets there.
    But where was Edward?
    She replayed the night before in her mind and couldn’t figure out why he’d left. Had she done something to offend him? Because he hadn’t even gotten off, and her ex would never have left before that happened. Of course, he’d only given her two orgasms in their time together, and those had probably been accidental, so she didn’t have much to compare it to.
    But he’d never have left before he got his! Or before they’d had intercourse. Missionary style, her on the bottom, him pumping away until he came then rolling off so she could deal with the mess. He didn’t like a messy bed…and of course, since she lived at home, it was always his apartment. She would drive herself home afterward because to spend the night would be scandalous, not that he ever tried to get her to stay.
    She kicked away the blanket. Since she didn’t remember it being there before, Edward must have covered her up. Until then, they’d been naked on the—thank heavens—brand new mattress. What a considerate guy, making sure she was comfortable.
    But why hadn’t he said good-bye? Or taken his clothes off?
    The life of a single girl on her own held challenges she’d never dreamed of.
    In one day, she’d moved into a new place,

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