Sasha’s Dad

Read Online Sasha’s Dad by Geri Krotow - Free Book Online

Book: Sasha’s Dad by Geri Krotow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Geri Krotow
Tags: Single Father
don’t have to ask me about it again. You and I—” Her breath caught on the last word, then she cleared her throat. “You and I don’t need to rehash the past or even talk to each other very much. You can drop her off, or I’ll come and get her, and we can hang out here. She already told me the last time you were both here that she’s interested in doing her 4-H project with the llamas.”
    Dutch’s face was relaxed again.
    “Thanks for understanding.” Although his voice was gruff she sensed he was sincere.
    “Sasha said she can get off the bus near your place, if that’s okay with you. I’ll pick her up an hour or so later. I’m thinking maybe once a week.” He was hesitant, as if he was asking her for a date.
    “By the way, this is entirely Sasha’s idea, Claire.”
    “And you do anything you can for your daughter.” She looked at his lips as she spoke. They were tightly pressed together.
    “This is for Sasha,” he muttered.
    “I get it, Dutch. Don’t worry, you haven’t given me the wrong impression.” He’d never let up on reminding her of his distrust.
    She took a deep breath and raised her chin. She met his gaze and kept her voice steady. “Why don’t we decide on two days a week so it’s a regular part of her schedule? If you’re tied up with work, I’ll run her home or she can wait for you here. I rarely go out in the evenings.”
    Darn it! Not something she wanted Dutch to know. The last thing she needed was for him to think she was pining away for lack of a love life.
    You don’t have a love life.
    “And if I have an evening date I can let you know ahead of time.” There. Let him chew on that.
    “I’m sure you will.” Dutch looked as if he was going to turn away, but he paused. “Claire, I want it clear between you and me that there is no ‘you and me.’ I’d appreciate it if you didn’t lead Sasha to assume anything different.”
    Heat rushed into her cheeks.
    What the heck had she thought, making that comment about a “date”? She sounded as though she was out on the prowl. Way to reinforce Dutch’s low opinion of her morals.
    “That’s all in the past, Dutch.”
    “Yes, but Sasha doesn’t know you as anyone other than her mother’s childhood friend. She doesn’t need to know any more. Nor do I want her to get any silly ideas that’ll only break her heart later on.”
    “I got it,” she said again.
    With that he pivoted and walked out of the cottage.
    Claire wanted to throw the mop at him. Or better yet, the bucket of soapy water. Typical Dutch—come in all charming and then leave her feeling like a complete loser.
    She grabbed the mop and went back to her cleaning. If she focused on her desire to make amends to Natalie for abandoning their friendship, she’d be fine. She’d be here for Sasha, regardless of her relationship with Dutch.
    The problem was that whenever Dutch was around she couldn’t keep her eyes off him. Her hands itched to touch him. And a few minutes earlier she’d thought he was going to kiss her. And she would’ve kissed him back—hard.
    Don’t lose sight of your goal. She’d finally rebuilt her reputation in Dovetail and even Dutch would acknowledge that she ran a decent llama farm.
    A romance with him was not a possibility.

    “D ECAF ?”
    “Sure. You got any of that Easter cake left?” Dutch smiled at Dottie as she poured his coffee.
    “Let me check. We ran out last night, but Mel was supposed to have another one ready by lunchtime.” Dottie frowned, the coffeepot held in one hand. “You’re not getting lunch first?”
    “Nope. I have three farms to visit before Sasha gets off the bus.”
    “You can’t survive on sweets, Dutch.”
    “Aw, Dottie, I don’t do this that often.”
    “True.” She eyed him. “Only when you’re upset. What’s got you going this time? Or should I say who? ”
    Dutch jerked on his stool, as if Dottie’s slap had been physical.
    “No one’s got me going, Dot.” He threw back half the

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