Duke: Fallen MC #1

Read Online Duke: Fallen MC #1 by C.J. Washington - Free Book Online

Book: Duke: Fallen MC #1 by C.J. Washington Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.J. Washington
the top of her thighs, framing her pussy. His fingers traced softly over it before dipping down into her heat, running a fingertip over her pulsing clit. Her back bowed as sharp pleasure shocked her at his touch. “I’ve gotta taste you, baby.”
    He lay between her legs, grasped her thighs and moved them up to rest on his shoulders. His eyes moved to fix on hers as he gave a long slow lick from her entrance to her clit. Her body convulsed with the movement of his tongue and her head dropped back onto a pillow. She reached down and threaded her fingers in his hair, clinging as sensation swamped her. Lifting her ass and pushing his tongue deep, he started to circle her clit with tip of his tongue, driving her into madness.
    “Come for me. I want to taste it on my tongue. Give it to me, baby.” With one flick over the top, her orgasm burst from her centre, obeying his command before spreading to the rest of her body. She shivered and jerked with aftershocks. Duke’s weight pressed down on her, he sucked her nipples and she felt his cock pressing at her entrance. She tried to push herself down to draw him in but he held her in place. Even after the best orgasm she’d ever had, her body was still screaming at her to be connected to his.
    “Fuck, you taste so sweet. Your pussy’s sucking the tip of my dick, dripping your juices, crying to get me inside. You’re so ready for me.” With that he thrust into her to the hilt, stretching her to the max and sending her straight into another orgasm. His cock had hit every nerve and sweet spot of her walls on its entry. She grabbed his ass, holding him still, not sure if her body could take much more. She knew it would have to. He filled her so full she felt a twinge of pain and it was so much better for it. Duke was managing to push her limits in every way.
    His hips slowly pulled back and with a hard thrust he pushed himself to the hilt again, his balls slapping against her ass. He started a frantic rhythm that pushed her higher and higher. She’d never experienced anything so intense. He was playing her like he knew every inch. Sweat coated their bodies, easing their movements. His smell surrounded her. She would willingly drown in it. She needed to taste him. Licking his chest and neck, she tasted salt, musk and something she didn’t recognise that was exclusively Duke. He was addictive.
    His thumb pressed to her clit and made fast, firm circles. Her eyes met his before her head was again thrown back in ecstasy, her nails digging into the skin of his back, desperate to find purchase. She screamed her release and his sexy, deep groan that followed, nearly pushed her into climaxing again. Her pussy locked on his cock, massaging and milking him into coming. He thrust once more and stilled, spilling himself deep in her pussy. He withdrew quickly, spurting the last rope of his cum over her bow tattoo. He coated her using the head of his cock, rubbing back and forth on her mound. Watching his work, his eyes never left her tattoo until he was done stroking himself over her. She felt liked she’d been marked.
    He collapsed his weight to the side of her, leaving his heavy leg and arm sprawled over her body. She was pinned to the bed, she’d be happy to stay there forever. Their breaths continued to saw in and out of their chests. Nicole was still twitching with aftershocks as she stared at the ceiling trying to wrap her head around what had just happened. She’d never responded that way during sex before. Her body had followed his every move, totally surrendering to him. She twisted her head to look at him. His eyes were already focused on hers. Neither spoke. What do you say after the single most amazing sexual encounter of your life? Thank you? No, she just held his gaze and let herself enjoy this connection they shared until it ended. He inched his face closer to hers and pressed a slow, chaste kiss on her lips. She felt her insides flutter.
    “You still wanting that

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