Drives Like a Dream

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Book: Drives Like a Dream by Porter Shreve Read Free Book Online
Authors: Porter Shreve
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rehearsal, nor was it in the program, and the look on Ellen's face—a blend of fear, disapproval, and practiced good sportsmanship—suggested that Cy had put up a real fight for his moment onstage. Now he was singing:
Round and round the world I go,
the more I see the more I know.
You'll be traveling by my side,
come on, let's take the ride.
    When I weary and times get tough,
you'll be seeing me through the rough.
We'll travel by each other's side,
come along, let's take the ride.
    Jessica refused to catch her brothers' reaction, and focused instead on a little boy in the second row who made a face as if he'd tasted something sour. Cy played the guitar better than Jessica had expected, though the song required only three chords and a rudimentary strumming pattern. Her father had a decent voice, but he sang about two octaves higher than his natural baritone.
    When the ordeal was finally over and Cy returned to his place for the ring ceremony, Jessica braved a glance at Ivan. Any thoughts of Gisele seemed to have drained from his face, leaving him pale.
    Reverend MacPherson took his place between the bride and groom and an elaborate ring ceremony followed, with more prayers, off-the-cuff sermonizing, and the lighting of a unity candle. Jessica fast-forwarded to the moment when the wedding guests would leave the church and the acolyte would blow out that candle. What good was a symbol, she thought, when it was no more permanent than an inch of wax?
    "You may now kiss the bride," Reverend MacPherson announced triumphantly, and Cy smushed his lips with Ellen's—a nervous kiss that had about it a slight tinge of embarrassment.
    Soon the organist was playing "Let There Be Love Shared Among Us," and Cy and Ellen were walking up the aisle, joined in holy matrimony.
    Once outside, Jessica squinted in the bright sunshine. The bride and groom were down by the lake, talking to the wedding photographer. Ivan and Davy stood at the bottom of the church steps bending their legs.
    "Good Lord," Davy said. "Could that have been any longer?"
    "So, what's next?" Jessica asked. "Now that the tribe of Spivey-Modine has been officially launched."
    "Pictures," Ivan muttered. "Then you're on Casper and M.J. detail. As for me, I've got to polish up my speech."
    "Be nice." Jessica squeezed his shoulder.
    Gisele, who walked arm in arm with Casper Spivey, joined them while M.J. trailed behind looking beleaguered.
    "Excuse me for a second." Davy pulled a cell phone out of his jacket. "I should probably call Teresa. But don't let them do photos without me."
    "So what did you kids think?" Casper asked, as Davy walked off.
    "I think it's a good day to break my five o'clock rule." M.J. checked her watch. "A two o'clock Scotch would go down nicely today. Fortunately—" She gestured toward Casper. "I've got my designated driver."
    Casper and Jessica laughed.
    "Don't you worry about that," Gisele said, sounding patronizing. "We've arranged some drivers for you."
    "Oh, thank you, dearest," M.J. replied, and winked at Jessica.
    Reverend MacPherson came up to them then, mopping his forehead with a handkerchief, and shook each person's hand. "So happy you could come," he said, with his air of pleasant all-knowingness.
    "Can I borrow you two for a moment?" He turned to Ivan and Gisele. "Excuse us, please."
    "That minister is a horse's ass, but God bless him." M.J. started toward the lakeside, where people were gathering for pictures. She steered Casper in front of her. "What is it about the clergy, the police, and anyone who wears a uniform? You can't trust their motives."
    Jessica followed along. "So, I've been wondering. I hope you won't take this the wrong way, but you don't seem especially thrilled about the wedding."
    M.J. stopped and turned so she could look Jessica in the eye. "I admire your asking. But I'm sworn to secrecy, dear." She kissed Jessica on each cheek. "You'll understand sooner than you'd wish why a mother might have mixed

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