Down To You (The Love On Edge Series)

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Book: Down To You (The Love On Edge Series) by Addison Kline Read Free Book Online
Authors: Addison Kline
celebrate the Christmas holiday. Marv was dancing with Tressa by Christmas tree while Randy and Harry were watching “A Christmas Story” on TV. Sloane was chatting with Luke and Greg by the stairs and Doris was taking pictures of Belle who had wrapped herself in silver tinsel.
    When Sloane saw Holly and Brant walk in, she raised her glass of brandy. She gained everyone’s attention by clinking a fork loudly against the glass surface.
    “To two of the best friends a girl could have: Happy holidays and Congratulations! This is for you!” said Sloane referring to the impromptu Christmas party.
    The crowd clapped and cheered as Brant and Holly pulled Sloane in for a group hug. When they finally released her, she said, “You’re not allowed to break up again! My nerves cannot take it!” Holly and Brant laughed at their neurotic friend, and then leaned in for a sweet kiss on the lips.
    “Oh, before I forget. This is for you two, as well,” said Sloane with a glint of mischief in her eye. Holly recognized the look immediately and swallowed in response.
    Sloane pulled out a large white envelope from her Prada bag and handed it to Brant. Brant had a perplexed look on his face. This was one surprise that he hadn’t expected. Brant opened the sealed envelope carefully as Holly and Sloane watched with excitement. Sloane could barely contain herself.
    “What is it, Sloane?” asked Holly, with a surprised look on her face.
    “Just open it!” Sloane yelled.
    Brant’s hand moved quicker now, as he removed the contents of the envelope. Inside lay a stack of papers that were neatly arranged and addressed to Sloane directly.
    The letterhead was from the Ballroom at the Bell. Both Holly and Brant looked floored. The Ballroom at the Bell is a historic ballroom that is located in Center City Philadelphia, just a few hundred yards from the Liberty Bell. It features an impressive lobby, numerous ballrooms, and one of the most beautiful ceilings that you’ll ever lay eyes on.
    Brant’s jaw dropped a little bit. The Ballroom at the Bell was where Sloane’s parents threw their New Year’s Eve parties every year. The words opulent and swanky could not do this venue justice. Sloane watched as Holly and Brant’s eyes widened.
    “My father gifted my mother with a two week trip to Australia for Hanukkah. They left this morning, therefore, their usual New Year’s Eve party is canceled. I thought, rather than allowing the deposit to be wasted, that it would be a better idea to celebrate a new year and a new start with all of your closest friends.”
    Brant and Holly stared at Sloane speechless and astonished.
    “If you will let me. I’d like to throw you the party, no- The wedding of a lifetime,” said Sloane with a wink. Holly was stunned.
    Brant replied, “We couldn’t possibly accept this.”
    “Oh, but you will, for the sheer purpose that if I have to wear a purple frock in the middle of the damn woods like last time, the woods that made me sneeze, I will die on the spot! Your first wedding was a woodman’s dream but an allergy sufferer’s nightmare!” remarked Sloane heatedly.
    Brant and Holly recalled their first wedding, which was quaint and sweet. They were married on the first day of spring as the chill from the winter was just leaving the air. Their ceremony was private and charming, held right in the same clearing where Brant proposed in Wallford Forest. Sloane, a severe allergy sufferer had sneezed through the entire affair. Brant and Holly couldn’t help but laugh at the memory.
    Sloane continued, “Everything is paid for; the venue, the caterers, the DJ… The whole lot. All I have to do is make a few last minute adjustments to the party plan.”
    “Sloane,” said Holly, “we could never repay you for this…”
    Sloane laughed at her friend, “The proper response when a friend gives you a gift is thank you.”
    Both Holly and

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