Down To You (The Love On Edge Series)

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Book: Down To You (The Love On Edge Series) by Addison Kline Read Free Book Online
Authors: Addison Kline
Are you spending Christmas with me?!” said Holly, her mood becoming brighter by the minute.
    Brant looked into Holly’s bright blue eyes with a serious look on his face and said, “Baby, I’m not going anywhere.”
    Holly could do nothing but smile from ear to ear.
    Brant pulled the truck to the side of the road and stepped out without saying a word to Holly. He went to the back of his pick-up and retrieved a blue back pack. He tossed the bag over his right shoulder and walked to the passenger side of the truck where Holly still waited inside. Brant pulled her door open as its hinges groaned in protest.
    “The forest awaits, m’lady…” said Brant in his best British accent. It didn’t quite match the majesty of Sloane’s, but it earned a chuckle from Holly.
    In the silence of the forest, Brant took Holly by the hand and they walked deeper into the wilderness. Snow fell gently around them, and there was a spark of electricity in the air that caused Brant’s nerves to stand on edge.
    “Thank you for bringing me here. This has always been such a special place for us,” said Holly, truly touched by their Christmas Eve excursion to Wallford Forest. They had retreated here many times when they needed to escape the big city, and of course every year when they needed a Christmas tree to adorn the living room.
    “I can’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be,” said Brant honestly. They had stopped walking for a moment, and Brant turned to face Holly. They twisted their fingers together, as they stared into each other’s eyes. They both had something they wanted to say, but it just wouldn’t escape their lips. It was as if they were mystified by what the saw before them. As Holly’s eyelashes caught flakes of snow, Brant thought she looked like an angel – an angel sent solely for him. As the flurries whipped around them, Brant pulled her in for a kiss, and she gave herself to him once again – mind, body and soul. For her there was no turning back.
    When their lips parted, they both looked like they had never seen each other before.
    How could someone so familiar, still manage to surprise me after all these years?
    “I wish I knew what was on that mind of yours,” said Brant, the uncertainty of their situation clearly weighing on his mind.
    “You really want to know?” said Holly with a smirk.
    “Of course I do,” said Brant, now really interested in what she was going to say.
    Holly took in Brant’s face for a moment, contemplating what she would reveal.
    “Promise me something…”
    Holly tugged hard on the collar of Brant’s coat to pull him closer to her.
    “Never let me go.”
    Tears began to burn from Brant’s eyes like never before. He buried his head at her shoulder, breathing heavily into her hair and down her neck. Finally, smiling, he grabbed her hand and said, “Come on, let’s go find us a Christmas tree.”
    Brant led Holly further and further into the forest, until he had decided that they were in the perfect place to select a Christmas tree.
    “You check down there,” Brant pointed to a line of trees, “and I’ll check the ones on the outside here.”
    Holly followed his direction and walked down a path where there were evergreens of all different sizes, some far too big for their living room, but some would be just perfect.
    “This one?”
    “No, no, not that one!” Brant yelled, “Further down… keep going…”
    Holly had no idea which tree Brant was referring to.
    “This one?!”
    “Good God, no… That won’t even fit in my truck!”
    “Oh, never mind. I think I found one!” yelled Brant, “Come see!”
    Holly laughed at how excited he sounded. Slowly, she trudged through the snow along the line of trees. Finally, she reached the clearing where Brant was standing waving her

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