Down Among the Dead Men (A Thriller)

Read Online Down Among the Dead Men (A Thriller) by Robert Gregory Browne - Free Book Online

Book: Down Among the Dead Men (A Thriller) by Robert Gregory Browne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert Gregory Browne
Tags: thriller, Suspense, Crime, Mystery
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    Beth just stared at her. “You’re about as entertaining as a train wreck.”
    “Nice. Tell me how you really feel.”
    “I’m sick of it, Jen. You only invited me on this trip because Debbie flaked out. You give me all this bullshit about wanting to help me work through the divorce, and the first chance you get, you’re off fucking Bob and Betty Beautiful—who, I might add, are brother and sister —and I’m stuck watching Keanu Reeves stand in for Michael Rennie.”
    “In other words, you are still mad.”
    Beth shook her head, exasperated.
    “I give up,” she said, then pushed her chair back and rose. “I want off this goddamn ship. And once we get into port, I’m catching the next plane back home.”
    “Oh, for godsakes, don’t be so dramatic.”
    “I told you I was going to get laid, so I got laid.”
    “You’re disgusting, you know that?”
    “Look, I don’t know what you think happened last night, but you’re wrong.”
    “Am I? It didn’t look that way to me.”
    “We were dancing, okay? Just messing around. If it makes you feel any better, when it came time to do the dirty deed, it was just me and Rafael. Marta didn’t come to the room until later.” She smiled. “Not that I would’ve minded a little extra attention…”
    Beth eyed her dully. “Enjoy the rest of the cruise. I’m out of here.”
    She started to walk away, then Jen said, “You’re just jealous.”
    Beth stopped in her tracks, spun around. “What?”  
    “You’ve always been jealous. You were in—what—your second year of college before you lost your virginity? I was already working on orgasm number two thousand fourteen by then.”
    It took everything Beth had to keep her jaw from dropping. “Are you even listening to yourself?”
    “You want to know the real reason I hung out with the Santiagos last night? Because they make me feel good. Like someone special. They let me be me, without apology. And all I ever get from you is disapproval. Do you know how many times in our life you’ve treated me like an adult? Zero.”
    Beth squinted at her. “So what exactly are you saying? You don’t feel special because I don’t pump you full of drugs and use you for a sex toy? You need therapy, Jen. The sooner, the better.”
    “That’s not what I mean, and you know it.”
    “All I know,” Beth said, “is that we dock in Playa Azul in less than twenty minutes. And as soon as we get there, I’m gone.”
    And with this, she turned on her heels and headed for the exit.

    SHE WAS NAVIGATING the narrow hallway to their stateroom when Jen caught up with her.
    “Beth, wait!”
    Beth waved a hand at her. “Enough. I’ve had enough.”
    “Look, I’m sorry for being so cranky. I’m hungover and haven’t had any—”
    “There’s always an excuse.”
    “It’s not an excuse. It’s a reason.”
    Beth said nothing. Just shook her head, then shoved her key card into the slot and opened their stateroom door.
    Jen grabbed her arm. “Beth, please. Don’t be mad. We’re family, for godsakes. We’re not supposed to be pissed at each other. At least not to the point that you’re ready to hop on a plane.”
    “Oh, I’m not mad. I’m just jealous, remember?”
    Jen sighed. “And I’m an idiot, okay?”
    Beth didn’t want to cry but felt the tears start to well up.
    “You’re just like Peter, you know that? One minute you treat me like shit; the next you’re trying to make nice. I can’t take it anymore.”
    “Oh, come on, Sis, don’t cry. I…” She stood back suddenly and patted her chest. “Go ahead, punch me. Right in the boob job. I deserve it.”
    “I don’t want to punch you.”
    “I’m serious. I’m a complete bitch and you’re right about everything and I deserve to be punched.”
    “Now you’re being ridiculous.”
    Beth pushed through the doorway and stepped inside, flicking on the light.
    Jen followed her. “Are you really

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