Doorways (A Book of Vampires, Werewolves & Black Magic) (The Doorways Trilogy - Book One)

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Book: Doorways (A Book of Vampires, Werewolves & Black Magic) (The Doorways Trilogy - Book One) by Tim O'Rourke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tim O'Rourke
prisoner?’ Zach asked.
    ‘ He’s being held in the prison of Eternal Despair on the other side of the Onyx Sea,’ William said. His voice sounded hollow and full of dread.
    ‘ I guess from the sound of your voice that this is somewhere we really don’t want to be going,’ Zach said, fingers dancing over his crossbows.
    Fixing him with his magnified eyes, William said, ‘The Onyx Sea is patrolled by the Dammed Bandits. A murderess race rumoured to be the half-eaten remains of dead outlaws. These outlaws were once fed to sharks, and they returned from the depths of the sea to kill and plunder – they’re the zombies! ’
    ‘ And even if we were to make it safely across the Onyx Sea,’ Neanna began, ‘The Prison of Eternal Despair is a maze of tunnels that stretch for miles, each one filled with the most terrible and evil of killers.’
    ‘ You’re not selling this to me,’ Zach said, slumping to the ground, fearing that the rescue of his sister and the Queen of Endra was doomed before it had even started. ‘It sounds impossible,’ he said looking amongst them.
    ‘ And it well might be,’ Warden said, ‘but you leave tonight. The dawn is drawing close. Today you shall rest as I fear you will need every ounce of cunning and energy to survive the journey you are about to make.’
    ‘ What’s this “you” business?’ Zach asked. ‘Aren’t you coming with us?’
    ‘ I’m sorry, but my blindness will hamper your mission. I will take a separate path from you, head to the Snowstorm Mountains and protect my family the best that I can.’
    Looking across the dying fire at William, Zach said, ‘but what about William? He’s your son. Isn’t he family?’
    Bowing his head and speaking in a voice so low Zach struggled to hear him, Warden said, ‘this is my son’s punishment. He has to go with you to make peace with the rest of his family and Endra.’
    Zach looked across at William, who also had his head bowed as if in shame.
    ‘What could your son have done that was so bad, to earn your forgiveness he has to go on such a dangerous journey?’ Zach asked, starring at Warden in disbelief.
    ‘ He will tell you if he chooses to. Now it is time for you to rest.’ And without another word the giant rose to his feet, yanked on Wasp’s tether and disappeared into the forest.
    Zach , William and Neanna sat in silence and it became unbearable.
    ‘ So why are you putting yourself forward to come on this journey,’ Zach asked Neanna, the silence becoming deafening.
    Fluttering like shadows in candlelight, Neanna blinked and reappeared curled on her side by the burning embers of the fire. She lay and looked at Zach with her pale-blue eyes.
    ‘ To avenge Throat for what he did to my people,’ she said. Then closing her eyes, Neanna pulled her cloak over herself, disappearing beneath it.
    Rolling on to his back, Zach laced his fingers behind his head and crossed his feet at the ankles. He looked across at William who continued to sit by the fire, his head hung so low that his chin touched his chest.
    What could he have done that were so bad, he would be sent to his almost certain death by his own father? Zach wondered.
    And with this thought see-sawing through his mind, he slipped into unconsciousness and fell asleep.

Chapter 11
    Stepping through the doorway from Endra, Fandel teetered on the edge of the cliff. He pin-wheeled his arms like a tightrope-walker to stop himself falling into the crashing waves below.
    ‘ Dammit!’ he hissed under his breath.
    The doorway slammed shut behind him, folded in on itself and disappeared. Turning, Fandel saw his cottage in the distance beneath a sky that looked the colour of bruised and battered skin. Morning was minutes away and by the look of the clouds racing in from the west, he could sense that they were bringing snow with them. Fandel could smell it and it made his nose itch.
    Regaining his composure, he set off across the fields to his home and his niece who

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