Do Not Disturb

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Book: Do Not Disturb by Lisa Ballenger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Ballenger
bring her home early." Her voice grew louder. "Some
emergency. He's always on call. Volunteers for it. Even while he’s here visiting
    Brett moved his outstretched legs as Allison sped
    "His job will always be first with him."
She twirled around and stopped in front of Brett, her chest heaving. "But
he's always been that way, I don't know why I keep hoping he'll change and want
to spend more time with Kelly. Can't he see how much she needs him?"
    "Calm down.” Capturing her arms, he held her
still. “She'll be fine until you get there."
    Her nerves relaxed at his soothing voice. Oh god,
she’d been ranting and raving like a lunatic. "I'm sorry. You're
right." She unclenched her hands. "It was so rude of me to go on like
    "Don't apologize for honest feelings,
Allison.” He ran his hands down her arms. “It was inconsiderate of him to do
this. You have every right to be mad."
    She stared at his concerned face. Did he really
understand this?
    "Sometimes it helps to talk to someone,"
Brett continued. “And believe me I can sympathize with how you feel, especially
about the selfish ex-spouse part.”
    He stood, “but you need to get home now," and
squeezed her arms. "Why don’t you let me take you and Kelly out to
    “Yes. Dinner.” He directed her toward the office
door. “In a restaurant.”
    Stopping, she turned around and spoke before she
could think through what she was saying. “I was going to grill hamburgers. Why
don’t you join us? I certainly owe you for helping me today.” She looked at her
watch. A shower, straighten up the house, calm down. “Just give me a couple of
    Brett smiled, following her out the door. “Nicest
invitation I’ve talked myself into in quite a while.”

    Allison tugged a white cotton shirt over her head
and tucked it into the waistband of her olive green shorts. She brushed her
hair off her face and used a coated rubber band to hold it in a low ponytail at
the base of her neck. Shoving cosmetics around in her drawer, she located
foundation and mascara.
    Why did she invite Brett to dinner? She dabbed on
some perfume. Of course, he did help her move furniture. And he’s all alone
    "I wish Caroline were coming with Mr. Tyler,
    She slipped her feet into sandals and followed her
daughter out of the doorway into the hall. "I know, sweetie. You'd have
more fun."
    Kelly shook her head. "No. I mean for
Caroline's sake. She hates to visit her mother."
    Allison stopped, her hand on the refrigerator
door. Surely the ex-wife wasn’t mean? "Did she say why?"
    "Her mom's remarried to this really snobby
guy who doesn't want Caroline around.” Kelly hopped on a bar stool and rested
her head in her palms. “I feel sorry for her."
    Poor Caroline. How did Brett end up with this
woman? They didn’t sound anything alike. She pulled the door open slowly. Hold
on, Allison. You can’t judge what other people’ve done. You were with James.
    "I think people should only marry someone who
likes their kids."
    Allison's stomach took a lunge. What was Kelly
thinking about Brett coming over alone? He’s always been with Caroline.
    Kelly smiled sweetly. "You wouldn't do that.
You'd only marry someone who liked me."
    Allison removed hamburger from the refrigerator
and set it on the counter across from Kelly. "Well, you don't have to
worry about that. I'm not planning on getting married."
    Kelly sat up, her face serious. "But you
should think about it."
    "I should?" Allison's hands stilled on
the meat.
    "I won't be around here forever you know. And
when I go away to college, you'll be all alone." Kelly jumped off the
stool and plopped down on the floor in front of the television. "You need
to think about that."
    Allison was stunned. She’d always thought Kelly
preferred it being just the two of them. And now...was she really worried about
Allison being alone?
    "You know Daddy's going on another
    "Another one

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