Distant Shores

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Book: Distant Shores by Kristin Hannah Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristin Hannah
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wait forever. I finally gave up and went home.”
    â€œYou didn’t see a doctor that night?”
    â€œNo. What was the point? I watch lots of lawyer shows on television. I knew people would say I asked for it. I went to his room and followed him onto the bed.”
    Jack realized that his hands had balled into fists. He softened his voice; it seemed grotesque suddenly, asking these intimate questions for a bit on the six o’clock news. “Did you tell anyone beside your roommate? Your parents, maybe?”
    She made a little sound, maybe a sob. “I couldn’t. I guess I’ll have to tell them tonight. But I went to the campus police the next day. I knew they wouldn’t do anything, but I wanted to make sure they knew what he’d done to me.”
    â€œWhat happened?”
    â€œAn officer listened to my story, then excused himself and left the room. About fifteen minutes later Bill Seagel came in. He’s the Panther athletic director. He laid it all out for me. How I had no proof, no doctor’s report, no witnesses. How I could have walked into a wall to get my black eye, and how I’d been drinking. He told me nothing would happen to Drew if I came forward, but my college years would be ruined. So I shut up about it.”
    â€œWhy did you come forward now?”
    â€œI saw your report on the news.” She looked up again. “I wasn’t the only one, and they knew that. Those
knew it. I didn’t want him to be able to hurt anyone else.”
    â€œSo you went to the Portland police.”
    â€œIt probably won’t do any good, you know. I waited too long and did everything wrong. But I feel better. At least I’m not afraid anymore, and I’m not just lying there, taking it. Do you think I did the right thing?”
    Jack knew he shouldn’t answer. This interview wouldn’t be much good if he ruined his credibility by showing that he cared.
    But she was sitting there, staring at him through eyes that were heartbreakingly sad. And she was so damned young.
    â€œI have a daughter who is just your age. My Jamie. I pray every day that she is safe at college. But if anything … bad ever happened to her, I’d hope she could be as brave as you’ve been today. You did the right thing.”
    Was that his voice, all soft and throaty? They’d have to redub his answer for sure. He sounded like he was going to cry, for God’s sake.
    â€œThank you for that.”
    â€œThank you for the interview.”
    After that, an awkwardness drifted between them. He noticed suddenly how close he was to her. Their on-air intimacy cracked apart, broke as quickly as it had formed. After that, everything felt uncomfortable. Jack didn’t know what to say and Sally remained silent as they all went their separate ways. Kirk was the first to leave, then Jack and Sally said good-bye to Andrea and walked back to their car.
    Jack didn’t realize until much later, when he and Sally were driving toward the station, how shaken he was. How pissed off. “God
Drew Grayland,” he said, thumping his palm against the steering wheel for emphasis.
    â€œHow are we supposed to stay detached on something like this? I kept thinking about my little sister. She’s a freshman, you know. I warned her about strangers, but what do you say about friends?”
    â€œHell, don’t ask me. I was about as detached as her own father. My career is going to do a swan dive when this airs.”
    â€œAnyone who could sit with that girl and not be moved has no right to ask her those questions. She deserved your emotion.”
    There didn’t seem to be much to say after that. He and Sally grabbed a hamburger with fries at the local drive-through restaurant window and ate their dinner on the road. Afterward, they spent the next four hours in the editing room. The poor holiday-crew editor finally threw his hands in the air.

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