Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Book Series

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Book: Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Book Series by Jeff Kinney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeff Kinney
Tags: Young Adult Fiction, Comedy
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    I guess -me -teenagers were satisfied they had made their point, because after +Key made Rowley finish
the rest
the Cheese, the let us go. "They go+ back in their -truck and -took
down the road.
    Me and Rowley walked home together. But neith* one
us really said anything on the way back.
    I -thought about mentioning to Rowley that maybe he could have gulled out a couple
his karate moves back there, but something told me -to hold
on that thought
right now.

    Tuts jay
    A+ school today, the -feathers le+ os outside after lunch.
+ took al>ou+ five seconds for someone to realize the Cheese was missing from its spot on +he blacktop.

    E-verybody crowded around +o look a+ where +he Cheese used to he. Nobody could believe it was actually gone.
    People s+ar+ed coming up with -these crazy theories about what happened to it. Somebody said that maybe the Cheese grew legs and walked away.

    Xt took all mv self-control to keep ry mouth shot. And if Rowley wasn’t standing right there, X honestly don’t know if X could have
    A couple o+ the guys who were arguing over what happened +o the Cheese were the same ones who were edging me and Cowley on yesterday afternoon. So X knew it wasn’t going to he long before someone put two and two together and fgured out that we must have had Something +o do with it.
    Rowley was starting to panic, and X don’t blame him, either. Xf the truth ever came out about how the Cheese disappeared, Rowley would be finished. He d have to move out of the state,

    "Thai's when X decided io speak up.
    X iold everyone ihai X knew whai happened io ihe Cheese. X said X was sick of ii bein^ on ihe blackiop, and X jusi decided io gei rid of ii once and for all.
    For a second ihere, everyone jusi froie. X ihou^hi people were goin^ io siari ihankin^ me for whai X did. bui boy, was X wron^.
    X really wish X had worded my siory a liiile differenily. Because if X ihrew away ihe Cheese, ^uess whai ihai meani? X+ meani ihai X have ihe Cheese Touch.

    Vlell, if Rowley appreciated wKat X did for Kim last week, Ke Kasn't said it. But we've started Kanging out after school again, so X guess tKat means me and Kin are kack to normal.

    X can Konestly say tKat so far, KaVing tKe CKeese ToucK Kasn't keen all tKat kad.
    Xt got me out of doing tKe Square Pance unit in PKys E-d, kecause no one would partner up witK me. And X Ve Kad tKe wKole luncK takle to myself every day.
    Today was tKe last day of seKool, and tKey Kanded out yearkooks after e,gKtK period.

    X +o the Class favorites page, and
    here's the picture that was waiting -for me.


Rowley Jefferson
    AH X can Say is, if anyone wants a free yearbook, they can dig one out of the trash can in the back of the cafeteria.
    You know, Rowley can have Class Clown for all X care. But if he ever gets too big for his britches, X'll just remind him that he was the guy who ate the_.

    There are many people who helped bring this book to life, but four individuals deserve special thanks:
    Abrams editor Charlie Kochman. whose advocacy for
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
has been beyond what I could have hoped for. Any writer would be lucky to have Charlie as an editor.
    Jess Brallier, who understands the power and potential of online publishing, and helped Greg Heffley reach the masses for the first time. Thanks especially for your friendship and mentorship.
    Patrick, who was instrumental in helping me improve this book, and who wasn't afraid to tell me when a joke stunk.
    My wife, Julie, without whose incredible support this book would not have become a reality.

    Jeff Kinney is the creator of Poptropica.com. He spent his childhood in the Washington, D.C.. area and moved to New England in 1995. Jeff lives in southern Massachusetts with his wife, Julie, and their two sons, Will and Grant.


    Jus+ doh + expect me to be dll "Pear Pi'ary" +K.S
dh«J "Peer

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