Devious Murder

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Book: Devious Murder by George Bellairs Read Free Book Online
Authors: George Bellairs
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and electric lights go on outside, in the hall and in the corridors. There are also one or two other things happen which I alone know.…’
    Cairncross smote his chest as though the tricks were safely locked up there.
    â€˜I’d prefer you didn’t press me to divulge them. You never know who’s listening.’
    Cromwell said he wouldn’t for the world press Cairncross to betray his secrets.
    â€˜Thank you, sir. I appreciate that. Was there anything more?’
    Cromwell almost asked Cairncross to show him how the contraption worked, but it wasn’t worth the hullabaloo the security man had described.
    â€˜Finally,’ said Cairncross, thumbing over his key-ring and eventually producing a key of curious shape.
    â€˜See that? There’s only me has that key.…’
    He pointed to an object like a Yale lock set in the wall of the cubby-hole.
    â€˜That’s the control key. It turns the whole system on or off. Without this key, once the alarm’s set going it keeps on and on till I turn it off.’
    â€˜Suppose you sleep through it all?’
    â€˜Sleep? Me? I’m one of those who sleep with one eye open. In any case the bell in my bedroom would wake the dead. No, they’ll not catch old Cairncross napping.…’
    They felt they’d had quite enough for one afternoon and bade Cairncross good day. As they left he asked them to remember that he was at their disposal at any time of the day or night.

    On the way back Cromwell and Littlejohn called at Afton Lodge, Camberwell, to see Alfred Blunt at the old folks’ home. He was enjoying afternoon tea with a number of other inmates who had rallied round him to make him forget his misfortunes. He seemed glad to see his visitors and Littlejohn introduced him to Cromwell.
    â€˜Any news yet, sir?’
    â€˜Not yet, Mr. Blunt. But we’re doing our best.’
    â€˜I’m sure you are, sir. I’ve been hoping you’d call. We won’t need to go to Tamworth with Charles. To cut a long story short, he left me a private envelope which I promised not to divulge or open unless something happened to him. I didn’t mention it when last you were here. To tell the truth, I’d forgotten in the shock. Well, I opened it after you’d gone. Charles wants to be cremated at Golders Greenand his ashes put in his mother’s grave at Tamworth. There were also in the envelope his passport and a savings book in my name with £5,000 in it. He didn’t forget me, you see. Always a good son. Though what I’ll do with all that money I don’t know. Perhaps I’ll give it to this home. They’ve been good to me and I don’t need much in the time I’ve got left.’
    â€˜I’m very glad Charles has looked after you so well, Mr. Blunt. Did he ever tell you he had a banking account somewhere? He seems to have been pretty well off. He would surely not carry his cash about in his pocket.’
    â€˜He never mentioned it. And I’d be the last to ask him. It would have looked as if I was interfering in his private affairs.’
    â€˜Did he ever tell you the name of his employers, the whisky agents?’
    â€˜If he ever did mention it, I’ve forgotten who it was. I’m sorry, Mr. Littlejohn; I’m not being much help. But my memory isn’t what it was. I’ll be forgetting my own name next.…’
    The old man seemed to be growing confused in his mind and Littlejohn decided that he had better not press for more information. It would have been useful to learn how Gentleman Charles had conducted his financial affairs. However.…
    â€˜And that was all you found in the envelope, Mr. Blunt? The passport, the savings bank passbook, and was there a letter about his cremation?’
    â€˜That’s all. It wasn’t really a letter. Just a paper with his wishes on it in the event of his death. I have it in my room. I’ll get it.…’

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