Demon Accords 8: College Arcane
    Up and over her hip, big feet to the sky,
landing on his neck and shoulder. Stunned, he still managed to
start to roll his legs over somersault fashion. She helped him
along with a snap kick to his exposed groin and when he finished
his roll, he leaned forward, clutching his bruised guy parts. She
took his back and started to lock in a rear naked choke, but again
he surprised me. He leaned forward fast, reaching up and pulling
her forward. She simply went with it, rolling over his head and
bounding up before he could react, turning and wrapping her right
arm under his neck, his head under her armpit and her bladed hand
pressed against his throat in a guillotine choke. This time he
stood, lifting her entire weight straight off the ground, removing
her leverage.
    Like a gymnast on a pommel horse, she let go
with her arm and spun around his neck, wrapping her legs around his
throat and letting her body weight fall down his back, which along
with his own upward standing motion was enough to pull him over
backward. They both crashed to the ground, but whereas Delwood’s
head bounced off the concrete, Caeco executed a classic breakfall
and avoided most of the impact. She tightened her legs into a
triangle choke and this time, his struggles lasted only a few
moments before he slumped into unconsciousness.
    “Break,” Jenks said.
    Caeco unlocked her legs and back rolled to a
standing position. On the floor, Delwood lay unmoving for a few
moments, but then his eyes fluttered open and he started to flop a
bit as he tried to sit up.
    “And that, class, is why Miss Jensen will be
my assistant,” Jenks said.
    “Yeah but how good is she with witchcraft?”
Erika asked, her fingers twisting and her lips twitching out a
    I reacted from a reflex my aunt had pounded
into me as a child. Everything slowed as my Sight perceived her
spell flaring across the room, headed directly for Caeco.
    My own fingers flexed, just a bit, and her
spell was slapped from its path, instead slamming into Delwood,
whose eyes rolled back up in his head as his support arm slipped
out from under him. His head bounced off the concrete again.
    “That’s strike one, Miss Boklund. The next
strike, you will be expelled from this school,” Jenks said, glaring
at her. “Nobody, but nobody, throws spells or power around this
room without my express permission—got it? And it’s a two strike
    Erika had a slightly horrified expression on
her face, which I felt was due mainly to her missing Caeco and not
so much that Delwood had taken the sleep spell center of mass. Her
sister looked at her disgustedly and the Native American witch, who
Ashley said was named Tami Keoni, looked thoughtfully from Caeco to
Delwood. A moment later, Tami turned her eyes, catching me watching
her before I could look away. She nodded once then looked back at
Delwood, who was being examined by Mr. Jenks. “Undo it—now,” was
all he said to Erika.
    The rest of the day was anticlimactic. It
turned out that college courses were different and yet not so
different from high school. I had Programming and Calc, both before
lunch, and then the rest of the afternoon was free. Except for
homework, which both teachers had assigned in spades. It seems that
in college, you don’t have class everyday, but you do a butt load
more homework. Caeco had two bio classes in the morning and their
respective labs in the afternoon, so I didn’t see her till
    Our table was the same crew, with two
additions. A big, burly black kid who was some kind of were, named
Justin Williams, and his roommate, a dark-haired, dark-eyed boy
named T.J. Alverez. The two boys had approached the table, plates
and drinks in hand, and T. J. had asked if they could sit there,
watching Caeco for her reaction. No one objected and so they sat:
T.J. next to Mack, who was next to me, and Justin beside him, which
put him next to Ashley. We introduced

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