Defying Instinct (Demon Instinct Series)

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Book: Defying Instinct (Demon Instinct Series) by Jaye A. Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jaye A. Jones
computers.  Or maybe I’d just listen to the suggestions in my head and take a
baseball bat to the monitors.  That would take care of that problem.
she said nothing, I left, certain I’d be standing between them again before
my demon half’s aggravation with the humans fizzled and my discomfort over the
bearded man’s touch faded, my thoughts were on Benn again, like they’d been all
day.  I kept wondering what I could do to make things okay again.  I’d been
awful.  He’d been a true friend and I rewarded it with lies.  Maybe I didn’t
deserve a friend.  Maybe I didn’t deserve someone like Benn in my life.
must teach you not to project your emotions, girl,” Rowan grumbled as I walked
by him.  I didn’t bother acknowledging his comment.  There had been one too
many condescending remarks like that from him today.
and his brunette Hammer, Cyrus—who bowed when we were introduced, which was too
weird—shared a couch and appeared to be discussing stratagem or whatever it was
demons on sentry duty discussed with each other.
stood by the front door, even though each time it opened, he visibly shivered. 
Demons hated the cold, but apparently weren’t willing to do anything about it. 
I was so tempted to force him into a coat, but a funny voice in my head told me
not to.  He wore another sweater like yesterday, soft cashmere the color of
sage.  The green looked fantastic with his light hair, eyes, and tanned skin. 
The way the supple material clung to his—
than a few times, I had to snap myself out of those kinds of thoughts.
didn’t know why I couldn’t control them at first, but I suspected it was a
Tempter’s presence that was screwing with me.  Even without trying, having
Grayson around was starting to saturate the store with a scent like candy and
spices, and something I wasn’t experienced enough to define.  It seemed to be
affecting all the females who entered the place. 
I looked at Grayson, he looked good too.  He wore his average glamour, but
every now and then, a flash of crystal blue diamonds would draw my gaze. 
it explain why, even when I felt Grayson’s Incubus stare, could smell that
intoxicatingly luring scent in the air, my attention kept returning to Rowan’s
entirely unfriendly sneer?  I couldn’t figure it out, and I didn’t want to
think about it more than I had to.
were unusual right now, and I could still have that concussion.  I clung to the
sentries disappeared one by one to feed themselves throughout the day.  I was
curious where they were going and what it was they were eating.  Most foods
didn’t taste like much to me.  I had to add strong flavors to everything I
ate.  I wondered if demon food would have more taste.  Except I wasn’t feeling
friendly with any of them.  I also wanted to ask why all three of them were
here when I’d asked them to make sure Dad and Benn were safe too.  But I didn’t
mention it.  That they hadn’t taken my request seriously didn’t surprise me in
the least. 
    My Dad
was at the university, surrounded by students, faculty, and assistants.  Benn
was there too, equally surrounded by people.  I was reasonably sure they would
be okay out in the open like that.  Besides, Dad said he’d stop by after his
class was over, even though tonight wasn’t one of his scheduled visiting days. 
he‘d never say it, Dad was worried for me.
when Benn walked through the door, making Rowan shiver and Grayson and Cyrus
turn, probably because of whatever my emotions projected to them, I exhaled
like I’d been holding my breath all day.
was a moment he did a double-take toward the demon standing by the door.  Whatever
it was, if it was even anything, Benn shook it off and walked up to the
stared at me for a minute, his blue eyes bloodshot, but otherwise as kind as
always, and I opened my mouth to say something but

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