Deep Fried Homicide (The Donut Shop Mysteries)

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Book: Deep Fried Homicide (The Donut Shop Mysteries) by Jessica Beck Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Beck
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startled yet again.  What was our mayor doing with Momma?  Then I saw the shotgun in his hands, and I was even more disturbed.  I went to the front door to let them in and saw that Jake was quietly snoozing on the couch.  The day must have taken a lot out of him, and I was glad that he’d been able to fall asleep so quickly, and so soundly.  I slipped outside and gently shut the door behind me.  “He’s sleeping,” I said softly, even though I knew that there was no way that Jake could hear us now as long as we kept our voices at a reasonable level.
“That’s good for him,” Momma said.  “He needs all of the rest that he can get right now.”
I ignored her for the moment and turned to my friend, the mayor.  “George, not that I’m not happy to see you, but what exactly are you doing here with a shotgun?”
He frowned at my mother.  “You didn’t tell her, Dorothea?”
“There hasn’t been time,” Momma said.  “While my daughter and I talk, why don’t you take a walk around the park?”
“With this in my hands?” the mayor asked as he held out his gun.  “I might scare a few constituents if they see that I’m armed.”
“Lean it over there against the house, then,” she said, and George started to do just that, but then he must have thought better of it.  “Maybe I’ll just keep it with me after all.”
“That might be for the best,” Momma said.
As George left, I turned to my mother and asked, “What exactly is going on here?”
Momma just shrugged.  “You wouldn’t leave the cottage.  What other choice did we have?”
“Just because we wouldn’t relocate, you enlisted the mayor to stand guard?”
“Oh, it’s not just the mayor,” Momma said.  “He just has the first shift.  Phillip is taking over in four hours, and then young Officer Grant will be here.”
This was too much.  “Momma, I know that the chief loves you, but he can’t make a police officer stand guard over us.  Can he?”
“As a matter of fact, Stephen volunteered for the duty, as did George and Phillip.  Suzanne, you’ll have someone out here around the clock until the need is no longer there.”
“They can’t work long shifts standing guard here,” I protested.  “It’s not fair to them.  After all, these men have lives of their own.”
“The three I mentioned are just doing it in the evenings and early morning hours.  Tomorrow morning, a very nice police inspector named Terry Hanlan has volunteered to watch over you from nine AM to seven PM.  I believe the two of you have already met.”
“We have,” I said.  “Are the state police taking the threat that credibly?”
Momma frowned.  “Evidently not.  Terry is taking some personal time to ensure your safety.  He’ll be here during the day for the next five days before his vacation time is gone.  Since he can’t watch over you both twenty-four hours a day, a handful of other men in this community have volunteered their services.”
“I hate the idea of anyone losing sleep because of me.”
Momma patted my hand.  “Suzanne, as much as they all care for you, you aren’t the only reason they’re all willing to lose out on some sleep.  Jake has made quite a few friends in April Springs during his time with you.”
“I realize that, but it’s all just a little too much,” I said.
“Then move somewhere else until things settle down,” Momma said.  “Problem solved.”
“Sorry, but you know that I just can’t do that.”
“I understand completely,” she said, “but this is the next best solution.”
“I’m still not sure that’s true.  I need to talk to Jake about this,” I said as I started back inside.
“Suzanne, let the poor man sleep.  He’s been through a lot lately, and he doesn’t need to worry about this until he wakes up.”
“You’re right,” I said.  “Okay.  Thanks for arranging this.”
She looked surprised by the compliment.  “My dear darling daughter, I had nothing to do with it.  This

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