December (The Page Sisters Book 1)

Read Online December (The Page Sisters Book 1) by Michelle Watson - Free Book Online

Book: December (The Page Sisters Book 1) by Michelle Watson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Watson
September, like really close. Though he’s older, ten years older, I feel at ease with him and comfortable enough not to censor myself.
    Everything has improved since he arrived. My grades are better and I don’t feel so alone anymore. Danny has become my anchor. Without him I was adrift in very deep waters.
    “Rewrite that sentence,” he orders, erasing over half my essay.
    “Why are you erasing so much of it?”
    “Because your handwriting is messy,” he says in an obvious tone. “Write neat and orderly the first time around. Or else you’re going to have to rewrite everything.”
    “Oh my God,” I groan out in frustration. “It’s my birthday for fuck’s sake. I want to do something other than my English homework.”
    His rich mocha-colored eyes flash in a warning but then he grins. That grin brightens his entire face. Strange warmth flutters low in my belly and my heart picks up speed. “Watch your mouth, December,” he chides firmly. “It may be your birthday, but it’s also a Thursday and a school night.”
    “Aw come on. I know you’re into the whole age play thing…but ease up Daddy. Can I at least take a break from the grueling homework?”
    “Jesus,” he mutters, lifting eyes towards the ceiling briefly.
    I stand abruptly and slam my hands down on the table in too much excitement as a thought comes to me. “Can we ride the horses?”
    “It’s snowing.”
    “Pretty please,” I pout, batting my lashes and making the best puppy face in the history of puppy faces.
    He stares at me for a moment, as if he can see my excitement shinning through my irises.
    My eyes lower, hot flush creeping up my cheeks. I suddenly feel translucent and shy. Disappointment settles over me, bursting the bubble of hope in my chest when he says nothing.
    I sit back down in my chair, picking up my pencil to finish writing the sentence as neatly as I can. My bottom lip quivers slightly and I have to bite it hard to stop it. I hate being vulnerable to anyone, especially Danny.
    Why do I want to cry?
    “We can go, December,” he says after a brief eternity.
    “You’re such a jerk,” I say between a relieved laugh and desperate cry, wiping at my eyes.
    “Let’s go. Put your coat and gloves on.”
    Shrugging on my coat, I push my hands into my black gloves. “Did I mention that I hated you today?”
    “No,” he replies, zipping up his wool jacket. “You told me yesterday, though.”
    “Well, I hate you. Very much.”
    “I’m honored.” His tone is dry but his eyes shimmer with amusement.
    I take one of his hands as we walk to his truck. He usually shakes his hand free from mine. Danny has to remind me that holding hands isn’t a great look for us. He says people in this town will assume that we’re sleeping together. And I hate that because Danny is too honorable. He asks my mother’s permission when it involves me. He asks her permission for every little act. Danny doesn’t even hug me more than two seconds before he gently pushes me away. He would never have sex with me, even if I begged.
    But he doesn’t shake his hand free today.
    He can’t.
    It’s my birthday.
    “You know, you didn’t even give me a present,” I mumble, staring down at our entwined hands. I don’t ever remember feeling this happy. How is it possible for one person to make your world spin?  
    He shakes his head and frowns down at me. “You have no faith in me at all, December. Open the door.”
    He releases my hand and I run to the passenger side door. I’m filled with too much giddiness and adrenaline that I forget to breath.
    I fling the door open. My pent-up breath instantly leaves me. In the seat rests a huge lavender-colored gift box topped with a silk big white bow.
    “Open it,” Danny urges, playfully nudging my shoulder with his.
    Breathing ruggedly, I lift the lid of the box and sift through the light purple wrapping paper. Inside are black leather boots. Leather boots that I told Danny I wanted because he wore

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