Death in Her Eyes (A Mac Everett Mystery Book 1)

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Book: Death in Her Eyes (A Mac Everett Mystery Book 1) by Nick Vellis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nick Vellis
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explained who I was and that Cary Hunt’s sister had hired me to look into the case. The woman politely put me on hold. While I listened to classical piano music, I looked at Barber’s website. His list of clients was impressive. It included politicians, celebrities, and businessmen from several states. I was about to hang up when a young sounding man came on the line.
    “This is Alan. May I help you,” he said. So much for the receptionist’s efficiency. I explained who I was again and got silence. Then the twerp said, “Mr. Everett, we have our own staff of investigators. We will not need your services. Thank you for calling.”
    “Look Alan. I called for Mr. Barber. Ashton Hunt has retained me. I work for her. I’m calling as a courtesy to let your boss know I will be nosing around his case, so you see I don’t give a rat’s ass what or who you have on staff. Am I making myself clear, Alan?”
    “Perfectly, sir,” he replied coolly.
    “So are you going to put me through to the boss or not?” I said.
    “Just a moment, sir,” he said and I was on hold again. The piano music played longer this time and again as I was about to hang up when a jovial voice came on the line.
    “Mr. Everett, Ward Barber here, I’ve just gotten off the phone with Ashton Hart, ah, Hunt and she informs me she has great confidence in you,” he said. He was good, the consummate politician. “I told Ms. Hunt we had things well in hand, but she’s insisting on using your services.”
    “That’s why I called, Mr. Barber,” I said.
    “Call me Ward, please. We’re going to be working together, after all. If this works out maybe I can throw a little work your way.”
    Trying to butter me up with a vague promise was third rate, but I shouldn’t have expected anything less. Errors have been made, others will be blamed, was this guy’s MO.
    “OK, Ward, but just so we get some things straight, I’m working for Ms. Hunt. I’m calling you as a courtesy.”
    “Understood. I must admit I’m a bit surprised, but she does seem an impetuous girl.” His tone was more than a little condescending. It was downright insulting. Ashton might be a lot of things, but none of them involved impetuous or girl.
    “She came to me, Ward,” I said. “I’ve accepted her retainer and I’ve gone to work. I warned her, the chips would fall where they may. Can we cooperate or do I work my side of the street and take what information I develop to the cops? It’s up to you.”
    “I’m all about getting information and getting it first Mr. Everett so yes, we can cooperate. When can we meet?” I didn’t like his new tone either. It was too ‘used car salesman’ for me.
    “Ms. Hunt has given me some names to check out,” I said lying through my teeth, but not knowing how else to stall. “I promised her a quick turnaround. Let’s meet at the end of the week, sooner if I get something significant. That all right?”
    “Perfectly all right. I would like to send you a copy of our investigative file,” he said. “I can send it by messenger. What’s your address?”
    I knew he was just trying to get Intel on me, ‘What’s your address’, really? I was born at night, but not last night. “I’ll come by your office in the morning to pick it up,” I said. “I know your address.”
    He didn’t miss a beat and said, “Very well Mr. Everett. I look forward to meeting you.”
    “Sure thing, see you tomorrow,” I said and hung up.
    The phone call worried me. Ward Barber hadn’t asked a single question or said anything positive. Maybe Ashton was right thinking everyone had given up on her brother.
    I called my Army buddy Roscoe. He had his finger on the pulse of everything in the area, especially if it was crooked or under the cop’s radar, but I got his voice mail. I left a short message and hoped he’d call soon. I called Marco and let him know to put feelers out again on the Hunts. I told him to put the jailhouse grapevine to work and to

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