Death and the Black Pyramid

Read Online Death and the Black Pyramid by Deryn Lake - Free Book Online

Book: Death and the Black Pyramid by Deryn Lake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deryn Lake
Tags: Mystery
while children, shouting excitedly, played games of catch and blindman’s-buff. There were stalls selling household goods, trinkets and sweetmeats, to say nothing of gloves, haberdashery, and one devoted entirely to ribbons and trimmings. There was delicious marchpane together with sugar cakes on sale, one of which Sir Clovelly bought, munching it with much relish and smacking of lips.
    â€˜Is it good?’ asked John, smiling at him fondly.
    â€˜It’s made of rose water and oranges. I think I’ll take some home. They are very light and enjoyable.’
    In the middle of the field a piece had been cordoned off and it was here that the two men were going to fight. But there was another quarter of an hour before the bout was scheduled. The Apothecary, his spirits raised high by the general buzz and excitement, wandered to a booth in front of which children sat on the grass, watching marionettes acting out a story of knights and dragons. In his fond imaginings he could see Rose sitting with a little sister – or could it possibly be a brother? – beside her, watching with large eyes and a toss of flame-coloured hair as a very realistic dragon roared at a brave knight. Happily, he wandered on. And then he stopped dead in his tracks because coming towards him was that Exeter solicitor, Martin Meadows with, of all people, the sensible Lucinda Silverwood. Standing directly in their path, John gave a fulsome bow.
    â€˜Good afternoon. What a surprise to see you both. Greetings, Madam, I trust your daughter is well?’
    Looking slightly flustered, Lucinda curtseyed. ‘She has not yet had her child, thank you Mr Rawlings. I thought I would have some time to myself while I could.’
    Meadows gave a laugh that to John’s ears sounded somewhat guilty. ‘We met here by chance and I asked Mrs Silverwood if she would accompany me.’
    â€˜Quite so,’ the Apothecary replied smoothly. ‘I take it you have both heard the news of Gorringe’s murder?’
    â€˜Indeed we have. The Constable called at my office this morning.’
    â€˜And he tracked me down yesterday evening. My daughter was quite alarmed, I can tell you.’
    â€˜I wonder if he has been so lucky finding the rest of the travellers.’
    â€˜I wonder indeed,’ said Meadows, looking a little bleak.
    There was a call from the area in the middle of the field. ‘My lords, ladies and gentlemen, the fight will begin in three minutes.’
    Excusing himself, John went to stand with Sir Clovelly amongst the crowd of onlookers. Glancing round, the Apothecary could not help but notice the young blades of Exeter packed in little groups on either side of the home-made ring. Dressed very finely, their breeches tight and their coats cut back, displaying excellent thighs and interesting bulges, they all had stylish tricornes on their heads and many sported diamond pins in the folds of their cravats. Thinking that he must pay some attention to his wardrobe when he returned to London, John saw that Mrs Silverwood stood several rows back beside the mild-mannered Martin Meadows.
    Nathaniel Broome stepped into the ring and announced in a surprisingly loud voice, ‘Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you the Black Pyramid.’
    â€˜Indeed you may,’ shouted one young beau and during the ensuing rumble of laughter, the Negro climbed into the arena.
    He was stripped to the waist and wearing only a pair of black tights, and John gazed in frank admiration at the beauty of the man’s body. He gleamed like polished oak, in fact he seemed almost incandescent as he flexed his muscles, his torso rippling like a waterfall. His shoulders were so broad and strong that he resembled a dark god that had come down from Mount Olympus to play amongst the mortals. John could not remember ever seeing such a healthy specimen. Yet the Black Pyramid was not young, probably about forty or maybe a year or two older.
    A roar

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