Opposition: Montana Wolves, Book Four (Montana Wolves series 4)

Read Online Opposition: Montana Wolves, Book Four (Montana Wolves series 4) by Chloe Cole - Free Book Online

Book: Opposition: Montana Wolves, Book Four (Montana Wolves series 4) by Chloe Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chloe Cole
too far behind. As much as he hated what tomorrow would bring, he would be glad to bring an end to the deceit.
    “You’re dressed too.” She nodded toward his jeans and T-shirt.
    “I didn’t want to expend any energy unnecessarily running over her. Somehow, I thought I might find better use for it elsewhere.”
    “Cocky as always,” she chuckled, but like his own levity, it felt forced. Tense.
    He stood from his seat and moved to drop a light kiss on her mouth. She accepted it easily, parting her lips against him so that he could once again taste the minty sweetness of her breath. Smell the lavender that filled the air around her.
    “No fight in you today,” he murmured against her lips.
    “I need it all to destroy you tomorrow,” she whispered, melting into him.
    The bitter sweetness of the moment settled over him like a blanket, comforting and smothering all at once.
    “Don’t talk to me about tomorrow.” He weaved his fingers through her hair and tugged gently, pulling her more deeply into the kiss as his tongue swept out to meet with hers. Where their kisses had once been battles, this was a dance. When he moved, she joined him, swirling around him gracefully with just enough pressure to tease him in for more.
    E VERY NIGHT , she'd met him here and every night she'd given in to her basest instincts. Still, tonight it felt like so much more. Like every time his tongue flicked against her mouth, he was trying to bottle the memory of her taste just in case it was lost to him forever.
    Or maybe she just felt that way because that’s what she was doing with every lingering kiss.
    He pressed her back against the wide oak table, but she shook her head.
    "No," she said, "Tonight I want to have all of you." She made short work of his clothes and kicked them aside before sinking to her knees to take him full in her mouth, licking long and hard until he growled with pleasure. He laced his fingers through her hair and she closed her eyes, losing herself in the sensation as he massaged her scalp and sent tingles skittering over her sensitized skin.
    She sucked him in deeper as she swirled her tongue around his smooth, blunt head, memorizing his scent. Committing his taste to memory.
    She pulled away and licked the base, working him up and down with her hand until a bead of pre-come leaked from the slit at the tip of his cock. She stared up at him, and when his heated gaze met hers, she dipped her head to catch the droplet with the tip of her tongue.
    He gripped her hair harder and pulled her up, gently enough not to hurt her but just forceful enough to send a bolt of need through her. With a tug, he pulled her shirt over her head and groaned when he saw she wasn’t wearing a bra.
    “Beautiful,” he whispered, bending low to capture one nipple between his teeth. She gasped as he pressed her back against the wide, wooden table, and tugged her leggings to the floor. When she was naked, he straightened to spread her knees wide, staring with longing at the juncture of her legs.
    "You have the most gorgeous pussy on the planet," he ground out at last, and then reached to stroke it with one hand. With the other, he circled her waist and pulled her closer until her breasts were flush against his wide, warm chest. God, the heat of him alone was enough to drive her crazy, but the smell of him could have sent her to heaven on the spot.
    His hard, long shaft was pressed against her belly. So close. If she moved just right, he would have the perfect angle to—
    His hands gripped her hips firmly and she realized she'd been grinding against his cock, begging him to fill her.
    "Take it slow,” he said in a gruff whisper. “If tonight is all we have, then I'm going to take my time with you."
    He didn't wait for her to respond. Instead, he dropped a kiss on the hollow of her throat and licked from her collarbone to her shoulder and back again, kneading her breasts as he went.
    It was so unlike all of their other hot and hard

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