Deadly Storm

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Book: Deadly Storm by Lily Harper Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lily Harper Hart
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doubt that. Please.”
    “I love you,” Mandy whispered, her fingers tangled in his hair as she kissed him. “I love you. I love you.”
    “I love you,” James murmured. “I … baby … I love you.”

    In the back of her mind, Mandy knew she was caught in a dream. The dark corridor she found herself walking through had a hazy quality not present in real life unless something was about to burn. Still, even though her mind kept telling her she was in a dream – and she didn’t like it – she couldn’t wake up.
    She sucked in a breath and calmed herself. Wherever she was may be dark, but she was alone. She wasn’t in danger. This wasn’t real. That’s what she kept telling herself, anyway. She mostly believed it.
    Turn around.
    Mandy shifted quickly, the voice a whisper in her mind instead of something she actually heard with her ears. There was a shadow stalking her, and even though she couldn’t see it, she could feel it.
    Come this way.
    Mandy didn’t know a lot about dream voices, but she had a feeling listening to one was a bad idea. That was a one-trip to Camp Crystal Lake, and Jason Voorhees was bound to be waiting for her if she hopped that train.
    “There has to be a way out of here,” Mandy muttered. She turned, scanning the dark hallway and trying to soak in her surroundings. She wasn’t in a normal hallway. In fact, if she had to guess, she would wager she was in the building where her cooking class was held. Maybe now that James had reassured her regarding their life together the big, bad cooking monster was coming to get her. It was a funny idea, and yet Mandy was still scared. She didn’t know why.
    The sound of footsteps behind her caused her to swivel, and as a hand reached out from the oppressive dark and grabbed her, she opened her mouth to scream … and bolted to an upright sitting position in her bed.
    “Baby.” James sleepily reached for her, his naked body warm underneath the sheet that covered both of their waists as they snuggled together. “What’s wrong?”
    Mandy’s heart pounded as she tried to tamp down her fear. It was a dream, she told herself. She’d known it was a dream all along. Still … . “I just had a nightmare,” she murmured.
    “Come here,” James said, drawing her into his arms and resting her head against his chest. “I have you. No one can get you while I’m here.”
    Mandy nodded, pressing a brief kiss to his chest. He would drift off again in a few moments. She wasn’t sure if that was in the cards for her, though.
    James must have sensed her unease because he wrenched his eyes open. Hours of lovemaking, talking, laughing, and eating had left them both satiated. He was exhausted, but he was also tuned into his wife’s moods. “Tell me.”
    “It was nothing,” Mandy said. “I just … I was alone in a hallway. I think I was in the building where my cooking class is. Someone was there. They grabbed me.”
    “Is that why you called for me?”
    “I … I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have woken you up.”
    “That’s what I’m here for, wife,” James said, kissing her forehead to soothe her. “I’m right here, though. No one can get through me.”
    “I know.” Mandy pressed her ear to his heart, closing her eyes as its steady beat started to lull her.
    James stroked the back of her head. “Sleep, my baby.”
    “IT looks like you two made up,” Grady said, breezing into James and Mandy’s kitchen the following morning.
    “Do you knock?” James asked dryly, pushing a mug of coffee across the counter in Mandy’s direction.
    “I’m just glad you’re dressed.” Grady looked them up and down, taking in James’ low-riding boxer shorts and Mandy’s tank top and camisole bottoms. “Barely.”
    “Why are you here so early?” James asked. “I left word at the office and said I would be in later. Mandy doesn’t have to go in until after lunch because of a judges’ meeting. We’re spending the morning

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