Deadly Storm

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Book: Deadly Storm by Lily Harper Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lily Harper Hart
I’m betting they’ll be back to their lovey-dovey utopia in less than twenty-four hours.”
    Jake returned the smile. “Ally, just so you know, you’re already my perfect everything. I don’t ever want you to change.”
    After dropping the last bloom in the vase, Ally skirted around the end of the counter and slipped between Jake’s knees. He wrapped his arms around her as she kissed him, splaying his fingers across her back as he pressed her as close to him as humanly possible.
    “I don’t want you to ever change either,” Ally whispered before extending her tongue and licking his ear.
    Jake shuddered. “Angel, how about we order some pizza and spend the rest of our night in bed?”
    “How about we go to bed first and then take a break for pizza later?” Ally countered.
    “And that’s why I love you,” Jake murmured, grazing his teeth against Ally’s vulnerable throat.
    “And you thought I would get bored.”
    Ally squealed as Jake hoisted her over his shoulder and started swaggering down the hallway toward their bedroom. “Put your seatbelt on, angel. I can pretty much promise you’re not going to be bored for the rest of our lives.”
    JAMES and Mandy were a tangle of frantic tongues and fervent fingers when they met at the front door of their house. James barely held on to his senses long enough to shove their dinner into the refrigerator so they would have something to eat later before lifting Mandy onto the table in the kitchen nook.
    He tilted her head back, deepening the kiss to obscene levels before pulling back far enough to strip her gauzy peasant blouse over her head. He practically growled when he saw the tank top underneath.
    “Why are you wearing so many clothes?”
    “If it’s any consolation, the bra is built into the tank top so you won’t have any clasps to fumble with,” Mandy teased.
    “Good to know,” James mumbled as he tugged the tank over her head, freeing her breasts. He raised his hands, cupping them reverently, and then kissed her again. “You’d better get ready, because this is going to be a really long night. I … need you.”
    Mandy gripped the back of his hair, holding his head steady before he could go south. “You will always have me for as long as you want me. I promise.”
    James’ eyes softened slightly, and then they slid to almost black as lust took back over. “I’ll always want you. Just you.” He kissed her softly, putting every ounce of love he had into his lips, and then he tipped Mandy over onto her back.
    His smile was devilish as he unbuttoned her cargo pants and stripped them from her thighs, taking her flip flops with them and tossing them on the ceramic tiled floor without a backward glance. “You weren’t lying about not wearing underwear,” he said, running his hands up and down the inside of her thighs. “Good girl.”
    “It’s more comfortable in a skirt.”
    “You’re going to be really comfortable in a second. Don’t worry about that.”
    James moved to lower himself on top of Mandy, but she stilled him with a hand on his chest. “Take your shirt off. I want to feel your skin.”
    James acquiesced, holding still so Mandy could run her warm fingertips down his chiseled abdomen. Her eyes were heavy-lidded, and as eager as James was to consummate their reconciliation, he had no intention of hurrying her.
    Mandy pushed herself to a sitting position and reached for James’ jeans, unbuttoning them and slipping her hand inside so she could rub his impressive length, causing him to groan. “Oh, baby.”
    Raspy breathing gave way to a nip of teeth against James’ chin as Mandy continued to massage him with one hand and rub his chest with the other. “I love you so much it hurts sometimes.”
    James groaned as she squeezed him. “You’re going to end our first round before it even gets started if you’re not careful.”
    “I can live with that.”
    “I can’t.” James pulled her hand out of his pants. “That’s not how

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