Deadly Abandon

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Book: Deadly Abandon by Kallie Lane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kallie Lane
Tags: Romance
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one-night stand. This woman came with a convoy of baggage, permanency in a relationship, and one lanky teenager being the obvious parts of the equation.
    And didn’t that put a man’s brakes on in one hell of a hurry? Yep, permanency was a totally foreign concept to him. Protecting the innocent and solving homicides took too much out of him. He had nothing left to give a woman.
    “Cookie? You okay now?” He needed to separate their bodies by the length of a football field. Maybe two.
    “I’m fine,” she said with a muffled voice. Yet, she didn’t pull away from him.
    It was okay. No harm—no foul. None of it was a problem because he hadn’t crossed the line. He was a sucker for a damsel in distress, that’s all.
    He could still protect her. And when she was out of danger, he had enough willpower to walk away. The important thing was to maintain his professional distance until then, to keep his edge and keep her alive. Otherwise, she could well be the next victim of a nutcase.
    Joelle may have hit the nail on the head when she said the psycho would go insane if his plans were thwarted. His plan to kill Breeana had just failed, big time. Would the killer come after her again? He’d bet his last dollar on it.
    “I never cry,” Breeana snuffled into his shoulder, knuckling tears from her eyes. “So don’t think I’m crying now, because I’m not. It’s an allergic reaction to the smoke. That’s all it is.”
    “Hey, I believe you.” Sully rubbed her back in slow, lazy circles. Hell, most people would be mainlining tranquilizers after being baptized by the fire. Not this lady. Nope. Instead, she put on a brave face and stiffened her backbone. He could not help but admire her tenacity. Who would have thought the heart of a warrior beat in such a womanly chest?
    “Okay, tell me one more time. Are you sure you didn’t recognize your assailant?”
    She tossed him a glare that spoke volumes. “Yes, I’m sure. I’ve already told you. It was so dark in the storeroom I could barely make out an outline of the guy. And even when he did use his flashlight, he was shining it at me.”
    “Well, you’re going to tell me again. What about height?”
    Breeana shifted to study his face, her breath hitching in her lungs. “I was standing on a ladder staring down at him, Sully. I have no idea about height, or anything else, for that matter. But he seemed really tall to me, larger than life.”
    “What about the voice, Bree? Think hard. Was there anything familiar about it?”
    “An evil hiss,” she whispered. “I don’t know if I would recognize it again. I could barely hear over the music.”
    “Music? After the power was cut? What—”
    Breeana touched a finger to his lips. “Sully, please , I have a terrible headache. Can we finish this in the morning?”
    He focused on her trembling mouth. Impossible to resist, he leaned in close and slid his lips along hers. She tasted sweet, warm, and vulnerable. He regretted the impulse because he wanted more. Like a man starving at a banquet table, he wanted Breeana as the main course. Naked.
    Back the hell off and get yourself under control, asshole. “We’re done for tonight.”
    “Yes…done.” Breeana seemed dazed by his kiss, not that he blamed her. It sure wasn’t standard operating procedure for him. Her eyelids lowered to half-mast, probably more from confusion than exhaustion.
    He fought the urge. He really did, but still managed to pull her against him and tuck her head under his chin. Then her fingers strayed on a journey of their own, along his shoulders to the longish hair at the back of his neck. He tugged her hands down, his lips again brushing the sweetness of her mouth, alarm bells bonging inside his head.
    He almost lost it when her lips parted for him, his tongue slicking their velvety interior. Enough . He sighed with regret while forcing his mouth away from her open invitation.
    What the hell? He never got this close to women in the line of

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