Deadly Abandon

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Book: Deadly Abandon by Kallie Lane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kallie Lane
Tags: Romance
daughter is fine. A few minor scrapes, but nothing serious to worry about.”
    “Thank God for that.” Forest heaved a sigh of relief. “What the hell happened? I got a call from the security company that the clinic was on fire.”
    Sully eyed him for about a nanosecond before making a decision. There was no point trying to stonewall a man like Forest with empty platitudes and bullshit. He wouldn’t buy it, even if it was gift wrapped. “Someone broke into the clinic tonight and attacked Breeana. He managed to set the fire before he escaped.”
    “Holy frickin’ cannoli!”
    “She’s okay, Dr. Forest.” Sully angled his chin at the SUV. “You can check for yourself.”
    Forest crossed to the Tahoe and sprang the passenger door in an instant. “Pumpkin? Did that nutbar hurt you?”
    “No, I’m perfectly fine, Dad. Even the EMTs said I’m good to go.”
    Right. A person would have to be blind to believe that load of BS. Sully figured Jack Forest couldn’t help but notice his daughter had seen better days. A slight breeze would knock her flat if she wasn’t already sitting down. Her eyes were red-rimmed, her face sooty with streaks of grime.
    “You look like hell and you’re a terrible liar, my girl.” Jack stared her down, crossed his arms and rocked on his heels. “But I am going to call your bluff. If you think you can manage, I’ll stay here tonight, and catch a few winks in the office. The animals boarding with us will be upset by the smell of smoke and so much activity going on. It’s really a blessing they were in another wing of the building.”
    “I know, and I’m glad you’re keeping them company.” Breeana shot her father a ghost of a smile. “And don’t worry about us. Cody and I won’t be alone. We’ll have the dogs.”
    “Sure.” Forest snorted, closed the door, and turned in his direction, and spoke in a low voice. “You’ll stay with them, Lieutenant? I don’t want any harm to come to them. Who knows what the maniac will do next?”
    “Don’t worry, sir, I’m not leaving.”
    Forest’s clear-eyed gaze studied him for a time, taking in his measure. “I’m relying on you to be professional, Lieutenant, to do the right thing.”
    “I understand, sir.” Oh man, did he ever. In other words, keep your grubby paws off my daughter.
    Satisfied, Jack nodded. Turned back to the SUV, and leaned through the window to kiss Breeana. “You stay home and rest for a few days. And don’t worry about the mess at the clinic. I’ll have a crew make the necessary repairs in the morning. From now on, I’ll handle any emergency calls coming in after hours. Goodnight all.”
    The Shepherd smiled to himself. It felt good to be alive. Thank God, Breeana McGill couldn’t say the same. He’d nailed the bitch but good.
    Taking a drag from his cigar, he watched the circus—the troop of police and firemen outside the veterinary clinic—satisfaction a living thing inside him.
    He couldn’t wait to see them wheel her out, black body bag strapped to a gurney. Too bad he couldn’t attend the autopsy too. That would be the pièce de résistance , and—oh, shit . What’s this? The coroner’s van pulled out of the parking lot without a dead body.
    It didn’t take a crystal ball to figure out what had happened. While he’d slipped out the back way—whistling to the hymn on his iPhone—the cop and firemen must have charged through the front door and saved her. The smoke alarm’s wail inside the clinic hadn’t clued him in to their approach.
    Man, I was lucky to get out of there undetected .
    After making his escape, he’d almost freaked when he’d seen the rescue vehicles in front of the building, strewn across the lawn like tinker toys. They must have responded in record time, quick enough to pluck Breeana from the jaws of death.
    He circled the block for the third time, shot the brown sedan into a parking space, and killed the engine. Cracking his knuckles to ease the tension, he

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