Dark Passions

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Book: Dark Passions by Jeff Gelb Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeff Gelb
knock them both to the floor. “Oh God, no, lady— please! ”
    She laughed in his face and slid the blade of the knife against his cheek. Sensually she ran the fingers of her left hand through her hair again and softly moaned.
    She’s completely over the edge, Jason realized. He leaned away from her again and felt his erection lightly graze against her pussy lips. It was maddening.
    â€œWhen Pinocchio lied, his little nose grew,” she said in a lighthearted tone. “Looks like something else grows when you lie.”
    â€œMy God, lady, what the hell do you want from me?”
    She brushed her breasts against his face, and he fought the urge to take an erect nipple into his mouth. “Just the truth, fucker,” she hissed. “I only want the truth.”
    Jason’s heart pounded against his chest, his skin tingling now with fear. “Please, lady. For God’s sake, I’ve never done anything to you.”
    She smiled wickedly and leaned in closer, pushing her breasts against his chest. “Oh, but you want to do something to me. That’s all that men like you ever want, isn’t it?”
    His mind was spinning now. His dick stood at attention, and there was a sharp blade only inches away. He was at her mercy. “Listen, we can work this out. Do you really want me to fuck you? Is that what this is all about?”
    She laughed and stared blankly into space for a brief instant, then kissed him long and passionately. When she pulled away, he saw an expression of lovely hatred, beauty and the beast all in one. His erection began to wilt, far too late. Terror consumed his consciousness. She glanced down at his crotch again and slowly shook her head. “Oh, too late for that,” she said. “The truth hurts.”
    Carla smiled at him seductively, appearing almost normal again. Then she slid back along his lap to straddle his knees, making room to reach down between his legs. “Looks like I’ll be adding another one to my collection... .”
    Jason screamed and rocked the chair back and forth, but she hung on like a cowboy on a wild steer. She grabbed his now-flaccid dick with her left hand and lowered the knife. “It’ll be worse if you fight me,” she whispered. “A clean cut will be better for both of us.”
    He swallowed hard and sat perfectly still, sweat beading across his forehead, willing her to please stop, praying that this was just a bad dream, when he felt the knife blade slide underneath his balls. Tears streamed down his cheeks. “Please, lady,” he begged. “I’m sorry ... if I—”
    Without warning she pulled his dick straight up and began to saw through tender skin. Left to right ... right to left. Jason shuddered, feeling the motion at his groin a split second before the pain registered. Too horrified to scream, too frightened to even move, he closed his eyes tightly, unable, or unwilling, to watch. A warm liquid flowed down his legs, and with his eyes shut he didn’t know if his manhood had been severed or if he’d pissed on himself. A short while later, lying on his side but still strapped to the chair, Jason’s breath ceased, his movement subsiding amid a spreading pool of crimson.
    His final conscious sight was a pair of bloody footprints leading away into the next room.
    Clad only in a bra and bikini panties, Carla stood at the kitchen stove gently stirring the simmering contents of a small saucepan. From the nearby living room her roommate called out, “I guess Trixie had another accident last night.”
    â€œOh ... right,” Carla answered.
    Trixie, their seven-year-old golden retriever, padded into the kitchen just ahead of Marsha, who still wore her faded and baggy flannel pajamas. Marsha was of stocky build, about Carla’s age, with short-cropped brown hair. She yawned, then stepped behind Carla and gave her a kiss on the neck. “Good morning,

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