Claimed by Her Viking Wolf

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Book: Claimed by Her Viking Wolf by Doris O'Connor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Doris O'Connor
you can’t. He’ll kill you. He—”
    Kim slammed her hand over her mouth to stop herself
from saying anymore, but the damage was done. Richard’s stare grew formidable.
He wordlessly put the car back into gear and drove. The fact that she had to
strain to hear his reply over the sound of the engine confirmed how utterly
furious he was. Richard rarely showed his anger, but when he did, it was with
quiet, deadly intent, just like he was doing now.
    “ You
have until we get to your house to tell me what the fuck is going on and who
you’re afraid of, so you best start talking,”
    He glanced at her, and his expression softened
slightly when he saw her reaction.
    “ Whatever
mess you got into, we can sort it, girl. You know I always have your back, so—”
    “ I’m
not in a mess.” He narrowed his eyes, when she interrupted him. Richard smiled
as though to encourage her to explain, before he turned his attention back to
the road.
    “ Oh,
you’ll think I’m insane, but that story I’m writing…” Kim took a deep breath in.
When Richard reached across to squeeze her arm, she blurted out the truth.
    “ It’s
not a story. You see, Lisa insisted we go on this camping trip, to impress her
new boyfriend. While that didn’t work too well, because they left after just
one night, I found Asger , or rather he found me,
    Kim continued to spill the whole unbelievable tale
in a tumble of words. On the one hand it felt good to tell someone,
unbelievably freeing, in fact, but, on the other hand, she couldn’t help but
worry what Uncle Richard would make of this. She inwardly grimaced at falling
back onto the childhood endearment she had bestowed on him, even if she only
did so in her head, but he was too quiet and thoughtful. By the time they
reached the bottom of her lane, she’d filled him on everything. Richard slowed
down, and she breathed a sigh of relief.
    “ I’m
so glad you’re seeing this my way. I’ll get out here, so—”
    “ No!”
Richard’s sharp denial made Kim jump. She threw him a worried glance when he
put his hand over hers to stop her from disengaging her seatbelt.
    “ I’m
going to meet this Asger of yours, and I’m going to
make sure you’re okay. No, don’t even think about interrupting me. I can tell
he’s important to you, from the way you talk about him.” Again he shook his
head at her, when she made to interrupt him. “Kim, sweetheart, you can fool
yourself if it makes you feel better, but you can’t fool me.”
    He grinned at her sharp intake of breath. Richard
proceeded to slowly drive up her lane.
    “ In
fact, I think you and this Asger ought to come to
dinner tonight. I’ll ring Susan, though I’m sure she won’t mind, because she
always cooks far too much anyway. She’ll be fascinated by that ledger you
mentioned. You never know she might help him figure out how to get back.”
    Kim stopped listening and screwing her eyes shut,
shook her head with an impending sense of doom. This was so not going to end
    Sure enough when Richard pulled up outside her
little cottage, the front door flew open. A furious looking Asger stood in the open doorway.   Head raised,
nostrils flaring he scented the air. Kim couldn’t move a muscle as his softly
glowing gaze pinned her in place.
    Richard whistled under his breath. Asger’s gaze darted to him when he opened the door of the
Land Rover.
    Parts of him wanted to leap across and tear that
fucker’s throat out for daring to touch his mate. She’d been crying. He could
still scent the salt of her tears, overshadowed as it was by the waves of worry
that poured off of her small frame. Worry for this male.  
    The human, who now advanced toward him, held his
head high. His confidence spoke of his advanced years as much as the deep
laughter lines on his face, and the streaks of grey at his temples. This man
seemed to be silently assessing him, and his wolf growled low in his throat.
    It was a warning, as much as a

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