Dark New World (Book 2): EMP Exodus

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Book: Dark New World (Book 2): EMP Exodus by J.J. Holden, Henry Gene Foster Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.J. Holden, Henry Gene Foster
Tags: Post-Apocalyptic | Dystopian
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beating, and even killing had not upset the ragheads. As long as his crew lit up anyone with a gun, turned over or killed anyone wearing a U.S. military uniform, and delivered two slaves a day, the invaders left him alone. Those two slaves were easy to catch from the turf of that puto, Angel, a block south. Angel’s block would be the first to go, Spyder decided. That dumb son of a bitch wasn’t even building a wall.
    Better yet, because of the deal he’d brokered with them, the invaders would deliver two or three days of food for his neighborhood three times weekly, and drop it off practically at his doorstep. If the losers who lived in Spyder’s territory wanted to eat, they better cough up something he wanted. The women had it easy, at least if they were young and hot, and even if he wasn’t in the mood to get laid then he could pass ‘em off to his crew to keep them loyal. Them ugly bitches could trade like all them dudes had to. And Spyder wasn’t no racist, neither—anyone who could trade work or goods would eat under Spyder’s rule, hell yeah. Keep them hungry, but fed, and they’d be too fucking afraid to fight back.
    The only real challenge for him, as far as keeping the invaders happy, was all the damn “Resistance” fighters running around. Every time they raided the invaders, the ragheads got all riled up. And that was just one more reason to take Angel’s territory because that weak-ass brotha wasn’t able to fight off the Resistance. Rumor had it that Angel’s turf was crawling with Resistance putos. Well, hopefully not for long…
    There was a knock at Spyder’s door, and then Sebastian walked in. Big, dumb, and mean, Sebastian was a good lieutenant, but he never waited to come inside after knocking.
    “What is it,” Luis snapped.
    “Spyder, we got the first stuff from the ragheads. I had the boys make some peeps carry it into the lobby downstairs like you said. But, there’s a problem.”
    Luis waited for Sebastian to continue, but the dumb fuck just stared back. “Great, Seb. So, tell me, what the hell is the problem?”
    Sebastian nodded, oblivious to his boss’s irritation. “Well, there’s like twenty peeps outside, demanding food. They got knives and bats n’ shit.”
    “Listen, Sebastian… You’re my main guy, right? Because you know how to bust heads and keep peeps and the crew in order. So, go bust some fuckin’ heads. Feel free to shoot a couple, if you want. Use as many of our boys as you need to get the job done. I want these putos to remember that I’m in charge. This is Spyder’s territory, and they all belong to me. Make the survivors remember that, Seb. Tell the crew to have some fun with it.”
    Luis watched Sebastian grin and then leave without another word. Yeah, Seb was a big, dumb animal, but a useful one. And loyal as anyone could be since Luis saved his life, and then did two years in the pen rather than rat Seb out to the cops. Hell, if he had ten more guys like Sebastian, he wouldn’t need any of the others at all.
    There was another knock at the door. “What the hell do you want,” he snapped, and the door opened. It was Charlene, who was one fine piece of ass. Spyder had tried to get with her a while back, but she was uppity back then because she had gotten some two-year degree somewhere. Fat lot of good it did the bitch now. “I said, what the hell do you want, bitch?”
    Charlene looked at the floor to avoid Luis’ eyes. Smart bitch.
    “Spyder, I’m sorry I said no, before. I was hoping, like, you might like to put it down, because I’m so damn hungry. And I know you don’t hold grudges, and stuff, so…”
    So. Char wanted to trade a piece of that fine ass for a meal. Served the bitch right for turning him down before. Oh yes, he would trade, but when he put it down on her, she was gonna walk wrong for a week. Teach her a lesson about manners when she talked to him, Spyder, King of the neighborhood.
    “Yeah, girl. Show me what you got, first,

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