Dark New World (Book 2): EMP Exodus

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Book: Dark New World (Book 2): EMP Exodus by J.J. Holden, Henry Gene Foster Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.J. Holden, Henry Gene Foster
Tags: Post-Apocalyptic | Dystopian
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and then you know what I want. I’ma make your eyes water before I put it down with you, and none of that fake choking noise bullshit. Just take what I give, and then you can have some food.” Life was good, Luis thought. Maybe he’d actually give her some food later if she was a good lay. “Damn, it’s good to be a gangsta…”

- 9 -

    2000 HOURS - ZERO DAY +7

    FRANK SAT WITH his wife Mary, talking about the clan, plans, and journey. As they finished off the last of their meal, Frank thought about how much Mary hated MREs and smiled. Not much of a meal, those MREs, but at least they had calories. Mary’s round, ruby cheeks flushed even redder when he smiled, a trait Frank found utterly charming.
    “Oh, you think watching me eat this crap is funny, do you?” she asked, fists on her hips and brows furrowed, but the sparkle in her eye and slight upturn at the corners of her plump lips told him she was only being playful.
    “Well, there’s no TV here. I got a twenty dollar bet with Jed that you’re going to ralph up an MRE one of these times, and I gotta watch to be sure I get my money. You know how Jed is with a bet!”
    Mary laughed and punched Frank in the arm. “Well, if you win that bet you’re buying me a double-shot tall Irish Cream mocha. You better, mister, because I may not be able to kick your butt, but you have to sleep sometime!”
    “Maybe if you let me, you know, do stuff to you, I’d roll over and fall asleep, and then you could steal the twenty from me.” Frank wiggled his eyebrows at Mary with an over-the-top wink.
    “Ha! You wish. Give me the twenty and maybe I’d let you do your gross guy stuff to me.”
    The sounds of gagging and retching came from behind them. Frank looked back and saw their son Hunter pretending to gag himself with one finger. “Ew, gross! I need bleach for my ears. Quick, who knows a good therapist? Grownups are weird!”
    Frank pursed his lips, and one side of his mouth turned up into a smirk. “Yeah right, son. You think I don’t see you watching all those Disney shows with cute girls in them? Someday soon, you’ll wish you could do gross grownup stuff.”
    Mary playfully punched him again. “That is so inappropriate. I swear, sometimes it’s like I’m raising two boys. No matter the age, man or boy, there’s no difference.”
    The sounds of two kids arguing broke the moment, and with a heavy sigh, Mary got up to track down the squabblers. She walked only about ten feet away before Frank saw her suddenly look down, and freeze. Her whole body stiffened, and he heard her whimper.
    “What’s wrong, Mary…” he began but was cut off when his wife let out a terrible shriek of fear and pain. As he bolted to his feet, she leapt away from where she had been standing. She got some fifteen feet away, then stopped and turned, still shrieking.
    Michael leapt to his feet and sprinted to where Mary had been standing even as Frank and Cassy ran to Mary’s side. Cassy got there first and put her hands on Mary’s shoulders.
    “What’s wrong,” Cassy shouted over the din of Mary’s cries, just as Frank arrived at his wife’s side.
    “Sn… Snake bite,” was all he could understand through her tears and whimpers.
    “Get my knife!” Frank shouted at his son, who ran off toward their shared bedding.
    “No,” said Cassy, face red with adrenaline. “And no damn tourniquets!”
    Frank was stunned and confused, and froze. That was his wife, and she’d just been bitten, and Cassy wouldn’t let him help her. Anger rose up, but Cassy just continued talking in that forceful “mommy voice.”
    “Mary, sit against that tree, right now. Calm. Relax. Frank, get me a flashlight.”
    When Frank returned with his little Stinger mini-flashlight, Mary was sitting with her back against a tree, and Cassy was looking at something on his wife’s leg with her lips pursed, jaw clenched, brows furrowed. He handed the woman his flashlight, and she examined Mary’s leg

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