Dark Chocolate Demise

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Book: Dark Chocolate Demise by Jenn McKinlay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenn McKinlay
shouts of the crowd. He was bucking and fighting, and it wasn’t until Angie jumped right in front of him and yelled, “Stop!” that he finally heard her.
    â€œAngie!” He blinked and then he grabbed her. He hauled her up tight against him and then planted a kiss on her that made every woman in the crowd wilt at the knees.
    Angie melted up against him for just a second before she wrenched herself out of his arms. She was breathless when she straightened her veil and said, “Easy there, cowboy, I’m spoken for.”
    The officers stepped back just as Tate rolled up to stand beside Angie. His eyes were hard and Mel wondered if he was going to punch Roach in the mouth. He didn’t. Instead he crossed his arms over his chest, probably to keep himself from doing exactly that.
    â€œI don’t think I’ve ever seen T-man lose his cool,” Oz whispered.
    â€œEmotions are running high,” Marty said. “He’ll be okay.”
    â€œIt wasn’t you,” Roach said. He was staring at Angie in wonder. “I heard that a zombie bride had been found dead. Oh, man, I think I just aged five years.”
    â€œI’m sorry,” Angie said. She patted his arm. “It wasn’t me. It was another bride.”
    Roach glanced from her to where the officers and EMTs were examining the body of the other woman. His face paled and he turned back to Angie as if to make sure that she was just fine.
    â€œAre we good here now?” Tate asked. He took Angie’s arm to lead her away.
    â€œYou! Todd!” Roach stomped forward, blocking Tate’s way and shoving his face right in front of his. His voice was a low, menacing growl when he asked, “What did you do?”
    â€œExcuse me?” Tate asked. “I know your feeble brain can only retain drumbeats, but my name is Tate, as in Tate Harper, the man who is going to marry Angie DeLaura.”
    â€œTodd, Tim, Turnip, who cares?” Roach seethed. “I know what you did.”
    â€œReally? What’s that?” Tate asked. He looked completely unfazed in the face of Roach’s fury, which Mel knew he was doing just to make Roach even more furious. It worked.
    â€œYou know what you did!” Roach shouted. “What happened, Tom? Were you so afraid that you were going to lose Angie to me that you decided to stop her by any means possible?”
    Now Tate was getting angry. Mel could tell by the red flush that crept up the back of his neck and the way he bunched his fists and leaned forward like he was ready to take a swing and put some weight behind it. Judging by the way the police officers took a few steps closer to the two men, they sensed it, too.
    â€œWhat are you talking about, you narcissistic jackass?” Tate yelled.
    â€œGuys, stop!” Angie scolded them. “A woman has been killed.” She gestured to the body behind her, which was now being photographed by the crime scene unit. “Show some respect. Whatever issue you two have, it does not need to be worked out right here and now.”
    â€œThat’s where you’re wrong,” Roach said. He glared at Tate before he looked back at Angie and continued. “Don’t you see, baby girl? He found out that we were together after the show, and in a jealous rage he killed that woman thinking she was you.”


    â€œNow hold on!” Tate yelled. “First, I didn’t kill anyone.”
    Officer Henry gave him a scrutinizing glance, and Tate gave it right back.
    â€œI’m a witness,” Oz said. “T-man and I were in a fight.”
    â€œYou were in a fight?” Angie squawked, noticing Tate’s scraped knuckles for the first time. She grabbed his hand and studied it more closely.
    â€œThat’s not the issue right now,” Tate said, pulling his hand away with a wince. “What exactly does he mean you were together after the show? I thought you went to the

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