Star Crossed (Starlight #3)

Read Online Star Crossed (Starlight #3) by JS Taylor - Free Book Online

Book: Star Crossed (Starlight #3) by JS Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: JS Taylor
the other breast. Fastening the clamp. My breasts are pointing rigidly upwards now, my nipples sticking far forwards.
    Adam sits back to admire his handiwork. Then he leans forward again, running his hands over both my breasts.
    I sigh out. Rivers of thrilling tingles run through my body.
    ‘ Now,’ says Adam, his voice low and dangerous. ‘I want you to tell me how I should fuck you.’
    Tell him?
    I feel a blush rising up at the idea. I’m not sure I could put that into words.
    I chew my lip, wondering what I should say.
    ‘Let’s start off by making things easy for you,’ breathes Adam. His blue eyes seem darker now.
    He runs a hand softly down the length of my body. I moan as it reaches my lower belly and then slips away.
    ‘Do you want me to fuck you?’ he asks.
    I nod my head. Right at this moment, I want it so badly.
    Adam reaches up and tweaks one of the nipple clamps.
    Arrrgh !
    It’s a pleasure and pain sensation combined, and I gasp aloud.
    ‘Tell me,’ he orders.
    ‘ I… I want you to fuck me,’ I whisper, feeling shame and thrill in equal measure. To say it out loud like this feels so outrageous.
    ‘ Good,’ Adam nods, and goes back to his stroking. His hands brush over my breasts again and I convulse. He knows the power he has. With the clamps in place it’s such a delicate balance between pleasure and pain.
    ‘ I want you on all fours,’ he commands. ‘Up on the bed. I’m going to tie your hands to the bedpost.’
    I pause fractionally, and his hand is instantly at my nipple. He tightens the clamp fractionally.
    Oooo! It’s such an intense feeling.
    ‘ Now,’ he says. ‘I don’t expect you to hesitate when I instruct you.’
    I move up onto all fours, not needing to be told a second time. My left nipple burns where he’s tightened the clamp, and waves of pleasure-pain are working down that side of my body.
    Behind me, I hear him move to the zip bag again. I feel vulnerable, naked on all fours with my ass in the air. But I feel sexy too.
    He’s back over me in a second with a thin leather strap, which he uses to bind my wrists. Then he ties me firmly to the bedpost, so my wrists are bound in front of me.
    I hear him roll on a condom and then he’s behind me.
    At this angle the pressure of my breasts pointing downwards is creating extra sensation from the nipple clamps. I feel wild with pleasure, and the urge for him inside me is so strong. I wiggle my behind towards him, and instantly his hands are at my breasts again.
    This time he tightens the right clamp. I moan.
    ‘ Tell me,’ he demands, ‘how you want to be fucked.’
    His hands cup my breasts now, making the threat clear.
    ‘I…’ I swallow, searching for the words. His fingers slip to the clamps, and another surge of sensation electrifies my breasts.
    ‘ Fuck me hard,’ I gasp, the words tumbling out.
    ‘ That’s what I thought,’ he murmurs with satisfaction. ‘I’m tempted to fuck your ass again. But your pussy looks so tempting from this angle, that I’m going to take you there.’
    I feel him angle his hips, toying with me. Then his hardness rests against me.
    ‘Fuck me,’ I beg, overwhelmed with lust now.
    Adam gives a little groan of desire and then he’s deep inside me. The sudden thickness of him filling me up, is exquisite. I moan as he starts working my body.
    God he’s good. He’s so good.
    I give myself up to the tumult of pleasure. There is nothing but my body and his. His hips pounding against me, and his hands locking my body in position.
    I lean forward, so the weight of my body rests on my wrists, and my behind lifts up higher towards him. I want him deep and hard, and I need to make sure he knows it.
    ‘Spank me,’ I gasp, as his thrusts come stronger.
    Whoa. Where did that come from!
    Adam’s hand rests on my behind as he moves into me, caressing, teasing. Then it slams hard into my ass.
    I gasp at the tight contact of skin on skin. He does it again, spanking me as he takes me from

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