Dark and Stormy Knight

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Book: Dark and Stormy Knight by Nina Mason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nina Mason
She wasn’t, though. To ravage her, he need only lift her skirts. He set down the decanter and picked up the glasses. As he came toward her, their cut-crystal facets twinkled in the firelight like tiny diamonds.
    “Here you are,” he said, handing her one.
    She took a gulp. The burn in her throat paled beside the fire in her loins. A downward glance told her he was just as turned on as she was. It also provoked a sweltering surge of longing.
    “We could always skip dinner,” she suggested.
    “Aren’t you hungry?”
    “Yes, but not for food.”
    She couldn’t believe she was being so forward. At the same time, she rather liked this new emboldened version of herself. Fare thee well, Gwyn the Meek; come on down, Gwyn the Bold. She set a hand on his arm, delighting in the bulging bicep beneath his sleeves. He was all man. So what if he was into kinky sex? As long as he didn’t hurt her, bring it on.
    “If we go forward, it must be on my terms.”
    “I see,” she said, playing the coquette to cover her anxiety. “And just what do your terms entail?”
    “I’ll assign you a role to play and you must stay in character at all times.”
    Fear hardened her stomach as she saw herself on all fours with a bit in her mouth. “What if I don’t like the role you assign?”
    He waved a hand, a dismissive gesture. “Then suggest another.”
    That sounded fair enough. “I’m willing, provided there’s no hitting involved, or anything to make me feel crappy about myself.”
    “What about blood drinking?” He sipped his Scotch. “I promise to be gentle.”
    Blood drinking? In The Knight of Cups , the experience was depicted as highly erotic for the donor.
    “Will I have a safe word? In case things get out of hand?”
    She knew about safe words from reading erotica.
    “Of course.”
    Gwyn sipped her drink as she racked her brain for a word that was both appropriate and meaningful. After rejecting several possibilities, she came up with one.
    He gave her a funny look. “Is that your safe word?”
    “Is that okay?”
    “As good as any, I suppose.” He shrugged and took a drink. “Now for our roles. You’ll play Miss Brown, the lady’s maid, and I will be the laird of the castle who’s just caught you en flagrante delicto in the stable with two of my grooms.”
    “ Two of your grooms? My, how inventive you are.”
    A pleased grin bloomed on his face. “I’m a writer, remember?” The smile wilted. “Or, used to be anyway.” He took a breath and another drink. “If it would help you get into character, I’d be only too happy to describe what I witnessed in detail.”
    She fought the urge to smirk. “If that’s what does it for you, go for it.”
    He crossed his arms, placed a finger against his jaw, and looked toward the ceiling. “As I recall, you were on your knees in the hay with one groom before you and one behind. Both were delighting in the moist heat of your orifices. Are you getting the picture?”
    She was. In glorious Technicolor. “How efficient of me to pleasure three gentlemen at once.”
    An inquisitive eyebrow shot up. “Three?”
    “The two grooms plus yourself.”
    When he clasped her face with both hands, she stiffened in surprise. He turned her head and pressed his lips against her neck. His hair tickled and he smelled of leather and soap. Tiny spasms of ecstasy went through her. Reality fell away. She forgot everything except his mouth, his scent, and the passion raging inside her.
    “What shall I call you?”
    “My lord.”
    His hands swept to her waist and took hold. He pulled her against him, letting her feel the solid heat of the body beneath the clothes. As she pressed her pelvic bone against his crotch, the feel of his hardness turned up the heat between her legs.
    “My lord.”
    Her voice was breathy and strained. She rubbed his erection, reveling in the power she had over him. The moan he released made her clit pulse and her nipples tighten. Her whole body

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