Dark and Stormy Knight

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Book: Dark and Stormy Knight by Nina Mason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nina Mason
hummed with need. She’d never wanted any man this much. She was in his thrall, ready to do whatever he desired.
    A clearing throat broke the spell. He tensed and pulled away.
    She staggered backward, blushing. Holy crap. If that was any indication, the sex would be absolutely mind-blowing. Not that she knew what that felt like. Up until now all her lovers had been selfish. She’d never even had an orgasm that wasn’t self-inflicted.
    Mr. Brody stood in the doorway in full eighteenth-century livery. “The meal is ready, my lord. Shall I bring the food in?”
    “Aye, Gavin, do,” Leith said. “We were just about to ring.”
    She was about to ring all right, but not for the butler.
    As the butler departed, her lord and master met her gaze with a sizzling spark that cracked the whip on her already galloping desire. “Shall we take our seats?”
    The long mahogany table was big enough to seat twelve, making the two place-settings at the far end seem rather lonely. The one at the head of the table was meant for him, presumably, so she made for the other.
    In a blink, he was behind her chair, pulling it out. As she swept into her seat, he bent over and again pressed his mouth against her neck. He flicked his tongue across her flesh, sending heavenly shivers through her body. The nip of teeth that followed made her jump in surprise.
    Her old friend whispered in her ear: You’re playing with fire, with something you don’t understand. If you had any sense, you’d run like he’s the devil himself, which he probably is.
    No, he was the faery knight she’d dreamed of meeting all her life. She wasn’t going anywhere. She grabbed the artfully folded cloth napkin from atop the stack of gold-edged plates and spread the cloth across her lap.
    He grabbed the ewer of red wine at the top of his place-setting and filled her goblet. After filling his own, he replaced the ewer and took his seat.
    They drank their wine in silence, the air thick with sexual tension. God, she wanted him. She also wanted to know what to expect when they reached the dungeon. She opened her mouth, ready to inquire, but stopped herself, remembering his dictate.
    I will assign you a role to play and you must stay in character at all times.
    She couldn’t think how to ask about the dungeon as Miss Brown, so she decided to leave the topic for now.
    Her thoughts drifted to the film rights. Miss Brown couldn’t very well bring that up, either. Not that she was ready to. Her chances of persuading him were much better if he read the screenplay. Tomorrow, she’d try to find a way to print out the pages. Luckily, she’d stored a back-up copy on her cloud drive, which she could access from the computer in his library if the opportunity presented itself.
    The silence was growing oppressive. So was her bodice. The damn thing was laced so tight she could hardly breathe, let alone eat. She pictured herself in the dungeon, naked and strapped to a table with her legs apart. He stood over her, bare from the waist up. His rakishly disheveled hair framed his face in a way that made him even more appealing. His perfect torso glistened with sweat. His stare was fixed on her sexual organs, which lay open to him like an oyster on the half shell. His raging hard-on embossed his painted-on breeches in a delectably explicit way.
    “How do you like the wine, Miss Brown?”
    As the fantasy evaporated, she picked up her napkin and dabbed her damp décolletage. “I would enjoy it more, my lord, if I knew how you planned to punish me for what you witnessed in the stable.”
    “Patience, Miss Brown.” He sipped his wine and licked the flavor from his lips in a way that made her ache. “All will be revealed in due course.”
    Mr. Brody brought in a tureen and proceeded to ladle cream-colored bisque into the gold-rimmed china bowls before them. The smell of seafood reminded her she was hungry for more than sex.
    She kept her focus on her bowl until the butler left the room. Risking

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