Dangerous Pride

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Book: Dangerous Pride by Eve Cameron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Cameron
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the gift of rain the trees and plants slowly returned to life, forming a verdant blanket that surrounded the castle.  The hillsides were covered with the yellow blossoms of gorse, which bravely stood out in sharp, defiant contrast to the dismal weather.
    When the dreary clouds finally parted to reveal bright blue skies one beautiful Sunday morning, Catriona decided she could not bear to stay in the dark, overbearing castle any longer.  With a quick word to Cook, she changed into a light house dress and grabbed a small basket before rushing out of the castle.  At the last minute, she reached under her bed, grabbing one of the many books she had appropriated from her father’s library.  If luck was with her, she would manage some stolen moments in the fresh air, far away from responsibilities and prying eyes.
    Her love of books and learning had been hard won, and from experience she had learned to keep it hidden.  Her mother despaired of having a daughter who was a bookish spinster, and her father thought it very improper for a young lady to have knowledge of things best left as the sole domain of men.  He had seen little sense in wasting time and money educating a lass who would never have any cause to use such knowledge.  Catriona knew she would not have been educated at all, were it not for the fact  her father had been forced to hire a tutor to see to Iain’s education.  The Earl had finally acquiesced to her persistent requests to study with the man, only after she had pointed out  it would not cost him any extra coin since the teacher was already in residence.
    Though the lessons with the tutor had not lasted for many years, they had awakened in Catriona a hunger for knowledge; a desire to learn more about the world around her.  Once her formal studies were over, she had taught herself from the books she pilfered from her father’s library.  She delighted in losing herself in worlds limited only by an author’s imagination, and in knowing that someday her ability to read and do simple mathematics would make her less dependent upon her husband, and his judgment.
    Not that it was likely she would ever marry, Catriona reflected ruefully, as she made her way through the inner bailey.  Her father had dowered Elizabeth generously, but had made no bones about the fact that he did not intend to provide such largesse for his youngest daughter.  Since she was no great beauty, Catriona reasoned it was unlikely any man would be compelled to marry a plain, landless, dowerless woman.  And even if by some miracle a man did express interest in her, she knew she would be satisfied with only one man – a man who was out of her grasp forever.
    That morning, most of the clan had joined together after attending the kirk, joyfully celebrating the christening of a young lass born to the cobbler and his wife.  Catriona’s progress was stalled by the many villagers who stopped to speak with her.  She made a point to congratulate the happy couple and comment on how bonnie the bairn was before she took her leave from the celebration.  There would be dancing and feasting into the wee hours of the morning, and Catriona was pleased that her kinsmen had come together in celebration.  An added benefit was the fact that her absence would not likely be noticed, even if she was gone for several hours, as the inner bailey was crowded with relatives and friends from throughout the area.
    Catriona relished the opportunity to be alone with her thoughts, if only for a few hours.  She deliberately left Lily in the stable, anxious to stretch her legs and enjoy some quiet exercise.  Besides, she was anxious to gather some herbs she needed in order to replenish her stores.  There was a small patch of yarrow not too far from the castle, and she needed fresh blossoms for the pain relieving ointments she used to treat minor burns and cuts.  The rowan trees would be rich with berries, and with any luck she would be able to pick them to use

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