Dance With Me

Read Online Dance With Me by Kristin Leigh - Free Book Online

Book: Dance With Me by Kristin Leigh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristin Leigh
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Contemporary, Military, Contemporary Fiction
away and never see her again. He wanted Rebecca to at least have the memory that he’d wanted her with a desperation he couldn’t communicate with words.
    Never taking her eyes from his crotch, Rebecca slowly reached her hand toward the erection that strained to get closer to her. The major held his breath and closed his eyes. But when her fingertips grazed the fabric of the slacks, his hand shot out to stop her and his eyes flew open.
    “Don’t. Not if you’re just teasing me.” His voice was harsh, gravelly. He watched her face, ready to turn and walk away at the first sign of indifference or denial.
    But there was none of that showing in the velvety eyes that looked up at him. “There are a lot of men I would tease. But you’re not one of them.”
    The major nodded jerkily at her and released her wrist. Rebecca caressed him softly, her touch so light he could barely feel it through the thick fabric of the pants. Then suddenly the strokes grew firmer and more rhythmic until his testicles tightened and he had to stop her again.
    The major couldn’t speak, was unable to form a coherent thought as he pulled Rebecca’s hand away reluctantly. “Inside,” he whispered gruffly before wrapping his arm around her waist and rushing them both to her door.
    * * * *
    The door closed with a soft click and Rebecca turned to Rick— Major— to watch him. He was so much better-looking without the Rick Jones disguise. He was harder, leaner somehow, and she didn’t have to struggle to see the man beneath the clothes. Whereas Rick had been a little soft, Major was a powerful presence, his face stern and almost angry. But not handsome. By no stretch of the imagination could he be called handsome, but he appealed to her, was exactly her taste. And his eyes—oh God, those eyes—held a dark desolation nearly as deep as her own.
    He was a Uniform, but so far removed from the others she knew. He’d whispered that he wanted her and for a split second Rebecca had seen a raw misery she’d only ever seen in the mirror. She could comfort him, take comfort in him for just a little while. And when she never saw him again, Rebecca would have the memory of a man who’d ignited her passion with anger and her compassion with despair. She’d have a memory of a man whose soul corresponded with hers on a basic level.
    So, Uniform or not…she wanted him too. And Rebecca wasn’t going to deny herself because she would never get another chance and she knew it.
    Major made a move toward her but Rebecca stopped him. “Take off your shoes.” She pointed to the sandals that squished with each step as she slipped her own loafers off.
    “My shoes?” Major looked down at his feet, then back up at Rebecca.
    “Yes, your shoes. You’ll ruin my carpet.” Rebecca pulled the soggy shirt over her head and dropped it with a wet plop onto the tiled entryway. She unsnapped her pants and shed them too.
    Major watched her, his eyes hot and urgent. He toed off the sandals in record time and reached for her.
    Rebecca shivered as her fevered skin came in contact with the cold wet clothes he had yet to get rid of. But before she could tell him to remove his drenched clothes, Major was kissing her again.
    Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, he can kiss. Rebecca threw her arms around his neck and curled her fingers into his short hair. Major grunted against her lips and began to walk her backward, never breaking the kiss.
    Rebecca was barely aware of where they were going. Her sole focus was the hot tongue that stroked into her mouth and the firm lips that bruised hers. She sucked his tongue between her teeth and held it, despite the frustrated growl that rumbled against her lips. She didn’t do this, didn’t sleep with men she’d just met. But this was different. She wouldn’t get another chance and she was taking this one while she could.
    Major slid his palms up and down her back in a rough caress before taking her ass in his hands and lifting. Rebecca gasped against

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