Daisy Madigan's Paradise

Read Online Daisy Madigan's Paradise by Suzy Turner - Free Book Online

Book: Daisy Madigan's Paradise by Suzy Turner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzy Turner
Tags: Death, London, Vampires, Ghosts, Werewolves, Angels, ya urban fantasy, watchers, abney park
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change - the
gauntness and palidity disappeared altogether. She looked healthy
for the first time in 20 years.
said Daisy, 'you look so different. You look really healthy.'
    'I feel good
too... oh,' she said.
    'What? What is
it?' asked Daisy.
happening? asked Mrs Freiling who wished she could see her daughter
for the last time.
smiled, 'there's this light. It's getting brighter. Its pink and
blue and sparkly. I have such a overwhelming sense of peace, Daisy.
Oh,' she suddenly sobbed, 'Daddy!'
    'I think she's
ready to go, Mrs Freiling. She sees your husband.'
    The woman
shook her head in disbelief as tears of joy and sadness poured from
her eyes.
    'Goodbye my
princess. It won't be long until I'm with you,' she whispered as
Charlotte began to walk away. But just before she disappeared she
turned back with a beautiful smile, 'tell Mum I love her so much
and thank you, Daisy. Thank you so very much. I'll never forget
you,' and then she was gone.
    'She's gone,'
whispered Daisy, 'She wanted you to know how much she loves
    Mrs Freiling
nodded, 'I know... I know,' she said as she dabbed at her cheeks
with a handkerchief. 'I don't even know your name?'
    'Thank you so
much, Daisy. I guess Charlotte just needed to know what had
happened to us all and she would never have been able to find out
were it not for you. So thank you, thank you so very much,' she
said as she turned and walked away, past the sleeping lion and the
headless angels.
    Daisy stood
watching her go, a feeling of peace enveloping her as a few happy
tears slowly rolled down her face.

    One night
while the moon was especially bright, the sounds of howling chilled
Daisy to the core. As it had been such a lovely night, Daisy had
decided to sit near the large headless statue with her sketch book.
It had been such a long time since she'd done any drawings and
there was just something about the unusually large moon sitting
behind the statue that made her want to remember it and the best
way to do that was to sketch it.
    The drawing
was just about complete when the howling started. The terror almost
prevented her from moving, keeping her stuck to the same spot.
'Move, move, move,' she whispered to herself as the sounds got
closer and closer until finally, the adrenaline pulsing through her
body allowed for movement. But there wasn't enough time to get back
to the catacombs. She had no choice, therefore, than to escape
    Climbing the
nearest tree, she'd just got high enough when she saw them. Holding
her breath, Daisy watched as the first wolf sniffed at the spot
where she had been sitting just moments before. He wandered around,
smelling the ground, getting closer and closer to the tree where
she found herself clinging to.
    As the others
arrived, the dread-locked woman's eyes appeared to be glowing
yellow. Daisy gulped.
    The second
wolf followed behind her, then the awful memory busting brunette
and her man, the leader walked into the clearing last.
    They were
talking quietly, laughing about having stolen some precious item.
She heard them mention something about a museum but before she had
the chance to listen to anything further, she spotted her pencil
hanging out of her jacket pocket.
    With eyes wide
open in fear, Daisy realised she was unable to catch it in time as
she clung to the tree. So she watched as it fell, almost in slow
motion, out of her pocket and was slowly carried on the breeze
until it bounced onto the ground below.
    How could such
a small thing make such a loud noise, Daisy would never
    The moment it
hit the ground, both wolves' ears pricked upwards, followed by
their eyes. Daisy would never forget that moment.
    The second
they laid their eyes on her, the dread-locked girl looked up right
at her as if they had communicated telepathically. Her eyes seemed
to glow brightly as she hissed with an evil smile spreading across
her face.
    'Well, well,
well,' she said as

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