Daisy Madigan's Paradise

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Book: Daisy Madigan's Paradise by Suzy Turner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzy Turner
Tags: Death, London, Vampires, Ghosts, Werewolves, Angels, ya urban fantasy, watchers, abney park
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was seriously different than most people
and she also came to accept that she was strong enough to come to
terms with it. She had managed to escape the gang. If she did it
once, she could do it again. Nobody was going to frighten her away
from her home.
    The next few
months were spent in a frenzy of helping numerous ghosts to cross
over. But at the same time, it was also spent trying to return the
memories of those that had been touched by the weird brunette in
the scary gang.
    Luckily, she
had so far managed to evade capture, but she had seen them since in
the park at night on several occasions. Some local ghosts had
warned her when they were coming, giving her time to escape to her
hiding place within the secret catacombs. She just hoped that none
caught would give her 'home' away.
    Jack was still
with her, promising to stay by her side for the foreseeable future.
But one morning, she knew it was finally time for him to go.
    She'd found
him wandering through the trees like a lost puppet on a string, not
knowing which way to go. He'd been touched by her again and enough
was enough. Jack had been that woman's target too many times now
and his memories were beginning to confuse him.
    'Jack, this
can't go on any more. You must cross over and join your
    'I don't know
what you mean?'
    'Jack, surely
by now you must realise what you are? You died in that house fire
months ago. You've only been staying here for me and I... I think
it's time for you to go.'
forlorn, Jack stared at the muddy ground, 'I... I know... I'm a
ghost aren't I?'
    Daisy nodded,
'I've been telling you for months for you never believe me. You
usually just go off in a huff. But it's time to face up to it,
Jack. It's time for you to join your family.'
    'But... but,
who is my family, Daisy?'
    'Your mum and
dad, Jack. They're waiting for you.'
    'But what if I
don't recognise them?'
    A smile
crossed Daisy's face, 'I have a feeling that all your memories will
return the moment you step into that light. You'll know them
    'But... but I
don't want to leave you, Daisy. I can't leave you, I promised that
I would never leave you.'
    'That was when
I'd lost everything Jack. I was lost. But I'm not lost any more
I've found myself here, helping all these trapped spirits. I feel
like this is what I'm meant to do, at least it's part of what I'm
meant to do.'
    'What do you
    Shrugging her
shoulders, Daisy kicked the dirt absent-mindedly, 'I dunno. I feel
like I'm meant to be a part of something big. I don't know what yet
but I know that it's coming. I can't explain it except that I know
I'm in the right place now and I'm okay. I'll be okay. I'm finally
able to... let you go, Jack.'
    The expression
on his face made her stomach feel like it was tied up in a massive
knot and she felt so guilty, but she knew, deep down, that he
wasn't meant to stay on this earth any longer.
    'But, Daisy...
I... I...'
    'I know,
    Looking back
to the floor, he suddenly rushed right up to her and shook his head
    'I'm not
leaving until you've found your father,' he said, crossing his arms
with a smirk.
    She knew he
meant it and she also knew that he was right. It was time that she
tracked him down. She was ready to be re-united.
    Holding her
hands up in submission, she smiled and shook her head, 'Okay,
okay... I'll find my dad and you cross over.'
    'Not until
you've found him though,' he winked as Daisy nodded with a
    Finding the
drunk homeless man turned out to be a lot easier than you'd
imagine. With the help of quite a few ghosts, it was a piece of
cake actually. She knew exactly where he was and she was ready to
go fetch him.
    Waiting for
night to fall, Daisy knew that a petite teenage girl carrying a
fully grown man through town and then to the cemetery might get
some odd attention, especially if she planned on doing it at
    So after her
shift at the corner shop, instead of heading home, she took a slow
walk, the couple of

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