bag. Now he was just
talking. I wasn’t sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing.
but I lost him. He is not the same man. It is a terrible feeling to watch
someone deteriorate, knowing there is nothing you can do. I didn’t realize it
was a curse until just recently. I was hoping to reason with Eleanor, but
apparently she is bent on revenge,” I said dryly.
always has been. Victoria kept you well hidden. It wasn’t until you died, and
came back human, that she realized who you were,” he said as he stood.
laughed harshly. “I didn’t even know who I was. All my life I thought I was a
hunter, now I don’t know who I am.”
watched me for a minute like he was contemplating what I was saying. “Don’t let
a name or heritage define you. You have to choose who you are on your own.”
smiled slightly. “You should take your own advice. Either you love her and want
to serve her, or you are a victim of hers just like me.”
expression darkened slightly. “I have to go,” he said darkly, then he turned
and left me alone again. I sighed and closed my eyes. I was hoping I would get
through to him. It was obvious he wasn’t overly fond of her. If I could get him
to help me, I might have a chance to get out of this hell.

was being shaken. I didn’t want to open my eyes. Someone pressed a cup to my
lips, and cool water filled my mouth. The feel of the water made me wake up. I
drank greedily. It felt like it had been hours since I had anything to drink.
watched me. He was the one holding the cup to my lips. “You cannot die. Eleanor
wants you to remain a werewolf. You aren’t as easy to kill this way.”
scoffed. “No one wants Eleanor mad. Tell her she has to feed and water things
to keep them alive.”
smiled. “I did. Why do you think I am giving you water?”
rolled my eyes as I tried to get into a more comfortable position. I was so
weak I could barely pick myself up.
helped me adjust, then he sat back on his heels and watched me. “I wanted you
to know that I don’t like doing this to you. I do not think you are a bad
smiled slightly. “If it makes you feel any better I don’t think you are a bad
person either.”
actually looked startled by my response. He looked around briefly, then reached
over and undid the IV. “I will be back in an hour or two. You should have your
strength back by then.” He stood and walked out without saying anything else.
was a little confused and disoriented. I didn’t really understand what his plan
was. I was hoping he was going to let me go, but he didn’t confirm or deny it.

almost two hours of impatiently waiting the door appeared again. Gavin came in,
and hurried over to me. He produced a key and unlocked my cuffs. “I will lead
you out of here. Stay behind me, and don’t do anything stupid, like running.”
nodded, and he offered me his hand. I took his hand, and he helped me to my
feet. My legs were wobbly from sitting for so long. “Where are we exactly?”
are not far from where you were caught. We are just underground. We have to get
you out without being seen,” he said as he went to the door and peeked out.
your for this,” I said quietly as I moved up behind him.
glanced at me. “Thank me when you are free. I am not entirely sure we will be
able to get past her. Let’s go,” he said quickly and stepped out into the hall.
followed behind him listening for any signs of someone coming. I could feel my
heart pounding in my throat. I didn’t want to get caught, and I didn’t want
Gavin punished for helping me.
the exit,” Gavin said nodding toward a door only a little ways from us. Before
he could continue forward he cried out, and collapsed to the floor. He had his
head in his hands, and he sounded like he was in a great deal of pain.
really thought you could get away from me?” Eleanor’s cold voice echoed from

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