Cursed In Love (The Adams' Witch Book 2)

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Book: Cursed In Love (The Adams' Witch Book 2) by E. M. Moore Read Free Book Online
Authors: E. M. Moore
her spells so much more power.”
    “Yeah,” Jennie said, “her spells to help hurt my friends.”
    “She didn’t mean to.”
    “She didn’t mean to hurt my friends? Or?”
    Her hands twisted around the strap of the canvas bag again. “She was also under a spell. She was strong that witch. Too strong for Courtney. I wish I’d noticed.” She hung her head, her chin touching her chest. “If I’d noticed sooner, I would’ve been able to do something to help.”
    Jennie crossed her arms. “You expect us to believe that Courtney did all those things while she was under a spell? If she had no recollection of doing those things, why would she run away then?”
    Courtney’s mother’s gaze snapped up. “She didn’t run away.”
    “There’s no way you could know that,” Travis said.
    I looked back at him, my mouth wide. I hadn’t realized both Jennie and Travis thought Courtney was in hiding. Was I the only one who believed she’d been kidnapped? Especially since her Mom looked so upset.
    “We brought her up on the light side, not the dark. She was targeted for being a Natural.”
    “With your logic, my sister would also be targeted.”
    Mrs. James’s gaze locked on Jennie’s and her eyes narrowed. Jennie shrugged and Courtney’s mother returned her stare to Travis. “I know who you are. Your reputation precedes you. I want you to help me find Courtney.”
    He pulled his leg up and placed it on the front bumper of the Jeep. “And what’s in it for me?”
    “You’re trying to find her anyway. You don’t think I saw what you were doing in the park? You don’t think I felt what you were doing in the park? You’re trying to find her. Why don’t we work together? It’ll be easier that way. We’re getting blocked, too.”
    Jennie sniffed. “And if you’re getting blocked, don’t you think Courtney’s blocking you? She doesn’t want to be found.”
    Mrs. James’s fists clenched. “It’s not Courtney. It’s her captor.”
    Travis chuckled. “Listen. We’d love your help, really, but I have a sneaking suspicion you won’t like what we do to her when we find her.”
    Her eyes rounded and her face paled in the faint glow of the street light. “You wouldn’t. You can’t.”
    A sly smile passed over Travis’s face. “I would. And oh, I so can. You already said you’ve heard of my coven and they’ll be here as soon as I call them.”
    I looked back and forth between all three Naturals. I needed a SparkNotes version of what the hell was going on in this conversation.
    “She didn’t do it on purpose.”
    “That’s for us to find out, isn’t it? When we find her.”
    Mrs. James searched her purse and pulled back. Travis held his hand out, and she stopped. Her eyes moved from side-to-side, but she stood frozen in place.
    “Don’t even try it.”
    Jennie laughed. Mirroring her brother, she was also looking at Mrs. James with a cocky smile.
    “What the hell’s going on?” I asked.
    “Get in the car,” Jennie said.
    I hesitated, but Travis’s jaw ticked. “Now.”
    I jumped in the back of the Jeep. Jennie got in after me. Travis approached Courtney’s mom and said something. He lowered his hand, reached in her bag, brought something out, and then continued around the Jeep. He hopped in and threw something at Jennie. She caught it in midair.
    I peeked over Jennie’s shoulder at a weird talisman. Jennie tested the weight of it in her hand. “Not bad,” she said. “Could’ve done damage.”
    “Please,” Travis said. “I was all over that from the beginning. I could feel the bad mojo emanating from her bag when she walked up to us.”
    Travis took it back and threw it in the center console. I groaned and went to open the console back up when Travis stayed my hand. “And just what do you think you’re doing?”
    “If you guys aren’t going to tell me what the hell happened, I’m going to figure it out for myself.”
    “The old witch tried to hex us.”
    “Hex? That doesn’t

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