Cursed In Love (The Adams' Witch Book 2)

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Book: Cursed In Love (The Adams' Witch Book 2) by E. M. Moore Read Free Book Online
Authors: E. M. Moore
if she were reading a technical manual on how to fix her car. By the time she finished, Travis’s hand was limp in mine.
    Unable to take it any longer, I opened my eyes. Travis stared hard at Jennie, who still had her eyes closed. He must’ve noticed me move because he looked at me and shook his head.
    “What’s supposed to happen next?” I asked.
    “Nothing.” The lines around his eyes creased and a wave of sadness passed over him as he looked over his sister again.
    Jennie shrugged. “Didn’t see a damn thing. You two?”
    “What was I supposed to see?” I asked.
    She dropped my hand, stood, and wiped off her jeans. “Maybe you wouldn’t see anything, but we should have at least seen something that would point us in the right direction. All I saw was the same picture I had in my head of her the entire time.”
    “Weird,” Travis said, his expression said anything but doubtful.
    “That’s exactly what I was thinking.” She spun on her heel and started to walk away.
    “Wait,” I said, jumping up and running after Jennie. “Shouldn’t we try again? If nothing happened why are we just giving up? We can try to see something again.”
    Jennie shook her head. “Waste of time. We need a better spell.”
    Travis walked up behind me. “Funny. I’ve used that same spell before and it worked wonders and even under more dire circumstances.”
    I arched an eyebrow. He’d been in more dire circumstances than trying to find a missing Natural. What the hell was he doing up there in Salem? “So, should we try again?” I asked.
    “It won’t work much better,” he said, eyeing his sister.
    I looked back and forth between the two. They stared hard at each other and I got the sense I was the third wheel again. They were deliberately leaving me in the dark.
    “So, we’re giving up?”
    Travis glanced at me. “For tonight, yes. I’ll work on something.”
    My body deflated. I’d had such high hopes for this locator spell. Finding Courtney was our number one priority right now. There was no other option to help release Drake from the binding spell without her. We had to get to the bottom of what kind of binding spell Mother Shipton used. Courtney was our only chance, and I’d let myself believe we’d find her tonight.
    I kicked a fallen leaf with my shoe. “Fine. Another time then.”
    We were silent as we walked toward the Jeep. If they were feeling half as empty as I was feeling, I completely understood.
    Hopes officially dashed.
    Steps away from the Jeep, a shadow moved around the front of the grill and stopped. The street light was far enough away that I couldn’t see who it was, only a black shape. My eyes adjusted to the light and slowly, Courtney’s mother came into view.
    Uncertainty clawed at my chest. Her eyes were big and bright, but her hands curled and uncurled around a canvas bag. Jennie, who’d been holding the teddy bear and Courtney’s picture, hid her hands behind her back.
    The middle-aged woman’s gaze swept over all of us, but finally, her stare landed on me. “Sarah? Sarah Perkins?”
    It may have been a hallucination, but Travis inched closer. I took a deep breath. “Yes. You’re Courtney’s mom, aren’t you?”
    She bit down on her lip and nodded. She peeked at Jennie and Travis who flanked me. “And you’re Shaw’s, Naturals.”
    “What can we do for you?” Travis asked, his voice a sharp edge.
    “Your help, I hope. My daughter’s missing, and this isn’t just a family issue, it’s a Wiccan issue. The girl from the other town was also—”
    “We know,” I said. “She was a Natural.”
    “So you see…it’s not just about my Courtney.”
    Travis leaned against the side of the Jeep, still close enough to reach out and touch me. “I hope you’ve taken up her disappearance with your coven.”
    “We’ve tried everything, but there isn’t a lot of power in the coven. Courtney was so happy when another Natural,” she looked at Jennie, “had joined. It gave

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