
Read Online CupidsChoice by Jayne Kingston - Free Book Online

Book: CupidsChoice by Jayne Kingston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Kingston
    She crossed her arms. “Proven by who?”
    “By me.” He pointed a thumb in the direction RJ had gone.
“Just now.”
    “You don’t have go out of your way to impress my brother.”
    “Impress nothin’,” he said with a small frown. “This saves
me a trip to the gym later this afternoon.” He put his hands on his hips. “You
look incredible, all fresh-faced with the sun caught up in your curls the way
it is.”
    She smoothed her hands over his chest, copping a feel.
“Where did you get this shirt?”
    “From last year’s 5K run. It was the unofficial shirt of my
    “No, I mean, where did it come from? You weren’t wearing it
last night.”
    “Oh.” His eyes raised to her mouth, then her eyes. “I always
keep a bag with gym clothes in my trunk.”
    She blinked. “So you could have worn your own clothes the
night you got rained on and I made you wear my brother’s?”
    “I could have, but it would have meant leaving you alone to
go outside in gale-force winds to get them.” His voice had become deeper,
seductive. “Do you have any idea how much I want to get you dirty again?”
    If it was anywhere near as much as she wanted him to do it,
it was a lot.
    He took a step and leaned in close. “Kiss me before he comes
    She did. Gladly. She’d barely opened her eyes and caught her
breath when she heard the sound of the wheelbarrow coming around the side of
the house.
    “I’m getting awfully hungry,” her brother called out as he
entered the yard.
    “General Tso’s for two coming up,” she called back. “Should
I get two sets of chopsticks or will you be feeding each other?”
    RJ took his hat off and scratched his head. “That’s funny,”
he said without humor.
    “I know,” she told him, and Cooper chuckled.
    That was all that mattered.
    * * * * *
    The rest of the tree was loaded into the back of RJ’s work
truck by the time she finished doing what she’d needed to do and returned with
food. The three of them ate at the table on her back patio, even though the
late-afternoon air had started to cool.
    RJ only stayed long enough to eat, and when he shook
Cooper’s hand goodbye Bree could tell Cooper had done more than get on her
brother’s good side. RJ liked him, something made even more clear by the
approving nod he gave her just before he walked out of the yard.
    The trouble with that was she didn’t know if she wanted her
brother or anyone else in her family to know about him yet, let alone have
their approval. Not that she wasn’t starting to warm to the idea of Cooper. She
just hadn’t had time to catch her breath and figure out exactly what was going
on with them yet.
    Her family had loved The Jailer when she’d first started
dating him. They’d thought he was perfect for her, not knowing the way he
eventually started to dictate everything she did, right down to picking out her
clothes for her. They’d been devastated when she’d broken up with him after
more than three years together, then shocked and surprisingly angry with her
for not telling them how he’d treated her for the last half of it.
    She’d vowed to not introduce them to anyone else until she
was sure about whoever she eventually got serious about. If it ever happened
again. She’d dated a couple of guys without getting sexually involved since
becoming single, and she’d had a couple of fun flings thanks to Petra and her
key parties. None of them had been like The Jailer, but they hadn’t stuck
around long enough to get serious about either.
    Now RJ knew about Cooper, and he was possibly the worst of
her three brothers when it came to keeping a secret. He called it looking out
for his younger siblings, but Patrick, Bree and Dillon called it being the
family snitch.
    Cooper left not too long after RJ, saying he needed to get
ready to meet with friends of his from college for their monthly poker night.
Bree spent the first hour he was gone pacing her house, waiting for her mother
to call

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