Cult of the Hexad (Afterlife saga Book 6)

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Book: Cult of the Hexad (Afterlife saga Book 6) by Stephanie Hudson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Hudson
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judging eyes. A small heap of worn clothes were left without fear of a reprimanding hand and the sin of jealously hit me hard. That was the life I wanted, the life I craved so badly that it almost felt like my life stolen from me.
    I shook the confusing thoughts from my mind as I continued to walk the depressing proof of this life, one that I lived instead of the one I wanted. I didn’t think I had seen a single flower enter the house and amongst all the grey, a flower would have been something you wouldn’t have forgotten. It was like a soulless island void of colour, hoping that the world beyond couldn’t touch it with its beauty, in fear it would lose its intense power of misery.
    We reached the front door and as I touched the door frame I noticed the only decoration I had seen, which was a simple wooden cross nailed to the wall. I don’t know why I was drawn to it the way I was, as I had never noticed it before.
    “Come on, stop stalling!” My mother snapped and as soon as the words were out, the cross spun on its nail and swung round so it was upside down. I knew this to be the Petrine Cross and one that was a sign for the Antichrist. I looked back to my mother and for one split second saw a monster staring back at me.
    It was like my mother’s human face was fighting with the demon inside of her. As though her shadow was coming alive and trying to free itself from the confines of her body. The demon shook all around her and vibrated away from her face, showing me another demonic one screaming to break away. Its eyes were distorted holes dragged to one side as it tried to pull itself free. The mouth was the same, open wide in what looked like a death call, one void of any features that would be classed as something coming from a human. No teeth, no lips, nothing to suggest other than the true nature of this beast belonged in Hell…
    And it was coming from my mother!
    “What are you staring at, you insolent girl!” She barked making her face snap back to normal and when I looked back to the cross I saw it too was back to its usual position. Was I losing it? Had that all been in my head or was something of a higher power trying to tell me something. Even if this was so, I didn’t need a vision like that to know I shouldn’t be trusting my mother, or following her as I was doing. But I had little choice. I needed to find Ari and I had the worst feeling in the pit of my stomach that was exactly what I was going to find right behind my mother’s steps.
    “Nothing.” I mumbled wondering what my face had been like when seeing her like that. It had been as if her skin had excreted an evil vapor, one that was forming another side of her… the true side of her.
    I continued out through the front door looking up automatically at the moon. It was as if one of the gods was holding a flash light down at the earth and homing in to watch this new horror play out. Well as far as I was concerned he was free to jump in and save my ass at any moment.
    Although nothing they preached to us suggested for one moment that the Gods cared for us, if anything they were perceived as more cruel than anything else… that, of course was if the stories told were to be trusted. In fact, Ari and I believed this wasn’t the case at all and we were only led to believe these things as another form of control. Just another way for them to use fear as a tool to get us to do as they saw fit. It was sickening to think about it but the warning signs were all there as plain as day.
    So I closed my eyes for a moment as if trying to absorb the power the night held. I needed to be strong. Ari needed me to be strong. So I opened my eyes and screamed! I screamed out in utter terror as that brief strength left me. I felt my body start to shake and convulse with a fear like no other. The sight before me was Hell and the work of the Devil and it was no longer below us but surrounding where I stood.
    Bodies all around me were strapped to X shaped frames

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