Crazy for You

Read Online Crazy for You by Maddie James - Free Book Online

Book: Crazy for You by Maddie James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maddie James
Tags: Humor, Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy, Jamaica, nudity, club resort
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Andrew that.
    If the truth be known, she wasn’t any more
keen on this nudity thing than he was. She was no more anxious to
take off her clothes in front of perfect strangers than the average
female would be. But damn if she couldn’t help teasing Andrew into
a state of fluster. He was so darned cute when he looked
bewildered. And she could tell that he thought she was the oddest
human being ever to come along the pike.
    Well, she guessed she wasn’t quite like
everyone else, but that’s what made her the way she was. He would
just have to leave her or take her.
    “Josh, tell us how we go about getting
something to eat in this place,” Tasha inquired.
    The older man brought a hand up to his
stubbled chin, pulled at it, and looked at the floor. After a slow
minute, he raised his gaze. “Well, seeing as how you’ve probably
not had time to get settled in yet, you probably haven’t read your
information packet, have you?”
    Tasha glanced to the bed. The packet was
still lying there, unopened. “No, I haven’t.”
    “Well.” He scratched his head and continued
to drawl, “there’s the cafeteria downstairs, but it’s been closed
since eight o’clock. There is a buffet open on the beach until
midnight, but it’s a bit of a hike and seeing that you all are
tuckered out… You could probably find some appetizers at one of the
    Tasha glanced at her watch. Nine-thirty-five.
She eyed Josh. She really wasn’t up to night-life at the moment and
she doubted if Andrew was, either. “Now Josh, didn’t I hear
something about you being the assistant cook?”
    An easy grin spread over his face. “Now that
you might have heard. Care to come see what we can dig up?”
    Tasha nodded and threw a glance to Andrew.
“Want to come?”
    He sat in the rattan chair on the far side of
the room. She guessed Josh’s news about Samuel didn’t help matters
any. Ever since they’d arrived, and Tasha had goaded him about
going nude, he’d sat and muttered about all the injustices he’d
been dealt the past twenty-four hours. Tasha had just left him
grumble. In the mean-time, she’d taken a shower and had organized
her belongings. Now she was ready for something to eat.
    “Bring me back something,” he tossed back at
    “Afraid you’re gonna see something you don’t
want to see?”
    He shrugged and turned away from her in the
seat. Tasha chuckled and followed Josh out the door.
    Andrew hadn’t realized how hungry he was. He
guessed that with all the turmoil, he hadn’t stopped to think about
eating. When Tasha had brought in the two large turkey sandwiches
on sliced sourdough bread, a small bag of potato chips, and two
bottles of iced tea, he could have kissed her.
    He could have kissed Josh, as well.
    He’d taken the twenty minutes or so they were
away to assess his situation. He always came up with the same
conclusion. There was nothing he could do about any of it. Not at
the moment, anyway. It was possible he was going to have to stay
the night with Tasha. Tomorrow though, he was getting out of here,
one way or another.
    But right now, the sandwich Tasha had set on
the dresser looked mighty tempting.
    Josh slipped out the door with a promise to
return when he had news of Samuel, and Andrew turned to Tasha.
    “Thanks for the food.”
    She nodded, sitting cross-legged in the
middle of the bed, which she had already claimed as her own,
chewing on her sandwich.
    “The chips are yours,” she called out.
    He picked up the sandwich and the chips.
“I’ll share.”
    She shook her head. “No. I don’t eat
    Sitting down on the folded out roll-away, he
began unwrapping his sandwich. He glanced up at her. “Why?”
    “I only eat fresh vegetables, or steamed, if
I can help it.”
    “Oh.” He took a bite. His stomach growled.
Finally, food.
    “Are you a vegetarian?”
    Tasha smiled. “Last time I checked turkey
wasn’t a vegetable.”
    After swallowing, Andrew replied, “Dumb

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