
Read Online Shattered by Elizabeth Lee - Free Book Online

Book: Shattered by Elizabeth Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lee
Tags: Fiction, Romance, new adult
last night.
    I pulled in the square, parked my car and walked into the diner. The Danner family had been running it for the past thirty or so years.  On weekday mornings, it served as the local gossip spot for the town elders who sat in clusters sipping their morning coffee and discussing local events.  On nights and weekends, it was overtaken by the younger population.  Teenagers would meet up to study, chat and grab a bite to eat.  It was one of the only places to go for a date in this town.  The closet city was a thirty minute drive and all they had to offer was a handful of chain restaurants and a two-screen movie theater, which is why most dates in Harrington consisted of road tripping through the countryside.
    “Good morning!” I greeted January and Hap as I slid into a corner booth.
    “You’re awfully chipper after the night you had,” January said, taking a sip of her chocolate milkshake, unimpressed with my quick recovery.  I knew she was pissed about the show I put on last night.
    “I feel pretty good.  The morning was a little rough, but nothing a cheeseburger won’t take care of.” I smiled as the waitress stopped and took my order.  She was an angel in a cheap polyester uniform.
    “You mind explaining just what the hell you were doing last night?” January asked as soon as the waitress left.  I should have known I’d end up getting some kind of lecture today.  I thought I’d missed it by dodging my mother, but apparently, I was wrong.
    “Jan, don’t,” Hap tried to intervene.
    “Don’t defend her.” She gave him a glaring look. “You almost got in a fight with Dan because of her.”
    “Sorry about that Hap,” I apologized, trying to Jan’s question, “thanks for looking out for me.”
    “No problem.”  
    At least one person was on my side.
    “Seriously, Alyssa,” January continued, “that wasn’t like you.”
    “Would you lay off,” I leaned back as the waitress placed my soda on the table.  Once she was gone, I leaned forward again and defended myself, “if you haven’t noticed, the past nine months of my life have kinda sucked.  You, of all people, should know that.  I got a little drunk and danced around like an idiot.  So what? I don’t need a goddamn intervention.”
    January dropped her reprimanding stare. “I know. I was just worried about you.”
    “I appreciate the concern, but really, I’m fine.” I put my hand on hers, letting her know that she was forgiven for being so overprotective.  “I do want to thank you guys for getting me home last night.”  I turned my attention to Hap, “Thanks for carrying me out of there and getting my car home.”
    He looked a little confused. “About that…” he started to speak, but hesitated.
    “I did drive your car home, but Hap didn’t carry you out of there last night, Lyss.” January added.
    I pursed my lips, trying to remember what happened.  “Please tell me you didn’t let Dan take me home.”  As soon as the words were out of my mouth I knew that they would have never let me leave with him. Then, I remembered my flirtation with Collin, he must have volunteered to take care of me. “I guess Collin’s isn’t as big of asshole as everyone thinks.”  
    “Nope. Not him.” Hap blurted out.
    “Hmm…”  I sat back as the waitress placed the heaven sent burger and fries down in front of me.  “Well then… who?”
    The look that was shared between January and Hap at that moment told me that whatever they were about to say was unbelievable.   Just then, their eyes lifted as the bell above the entrance chimed.  I turned to see what had stolen their attention and focused in on one set of very familiar evergreen-colored eyes.

Chapter 6
    I spotted her at that party a mile away.  How could I not?  Her hair was hanging down in a long, silky ponytail across her bare back.  I wanted to drag my fingers across her soft skin and lean in to whisper inappropriate things into her ear.

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