Craving Lucy

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Book: Craving Lucy by Terri Anne Browning Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terri Anne Browning
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Teen & Young Adult
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her on her bed, and another, I wanted to keep my dick where it belonge d— and not ripped off by Jesse Thornton before he fed it to his neighbor’s dog or threw it in the ocean.
    From upstairs I heard a thud , as if she’d thrown something against a wall, and grimaced before shooting the twins a glare. “So you didn’t tell her you took her phone?” I needed them to confirm that for me. Knowing those two the way I did, you always needed to make confirmation.
    Luca shut the front door with a bang and he and his twin turned to face me. Arms crossed over their chests, chins jutting out, they looked exactly like their dad. If they had been a few feet taller I might have been as intimidated as they wanted me to be. But when I stood over them by at least a foot, intimidation was not on my list of emotions I was feeling for them at that moment.
    “Of course we didn’t,” Luca informed me with a growl. “She’d tell Mom and then we’d have to give it back. What lesson would she have learned then?”
    “Do you think there is a reason that no matter how much trouble you two little monsters get into, that no matter how upset your mom and dad get at you, that they never take your phone from you?” I demanded.
    I knew for a fact that Jesse and Layla would never take any of their children’s phones away. Like my parents had done with Trinity’s phone, every one of the Thornton kids had a phone with a special chip installed. It didn’t matter if the phone was on or not, if something happened to one of them, the authorities could track them through their phone. It was something that the security firm that had been working OtherWorld and Demon’s Wings tours for years had developed themselves. The same chip was sewn into Trinity’s backpack, her shoes, even her jacket. Just like they were in Luca’s and Lyric’s.
    These two little beasts, however, didn’t understand the why’s of all of it, though. They had been babies when Lucy had been taken by her biological father, and not much older when Emmie Armstrong’s daughter was nearly kidnapped by some lunatic. Luca and Lyric didn’t understand why their dad was so overprotective. They just knew that he was a basket case every time their sister left the house.
    Lyric surprised me when he spoke. “I never thought of it, but he’s right, Luca. Mom and Dad haven’t ever taken our phones away.”
    “Doesn’t matter,” Luca grumbled. “She worried us. Mom and Dad were practically shaking when they left last night. Uncle Drake was upset and Aunt Lana was crying. Lucy needs to be grounded from something for doing that to us.”
    I scrubbed my hands over my face and glanced around. Where the hell was Jesse? Muttering a curse under my breath, I crouched down in front of the twins. “Look, guys, I realize that Lucy having to go to the hospital was scary for you both. I know it was scary for me. She was in pain and there was nothing I could do. But it wasn’t like she wanted to be there. Some guy said some things that upset her and she stood up for herself. You can’t blame her for doing that, can you?”
    “What did he say?” they both demanded at the same time. Their eyes, so much like their father’s, changed from one shade of brown to another so fast that a person would have sworn it was just a trick of the lighting if they didn’t know that it was a genetic thing.
    “Doesn’t matter. She took care of him and hurt her hand in the process. She didn’t mean to upset you or anyone else. So why does she have to be punished?” I was trying to use my reasonable tone, the one I used when I was trying to get Trinity to see my way of thinking, but I was pissed at those two little demons. Lucy’s phone was important, damn it. She should never be without it. Never. Just thinking about her leaving her house without that lifeline broke me out in a cold sweat.
    Lyric, ever the reasonable twin, turned to his brother. “He’s right, Luca. We have to give her back the

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