Cowboy Jackpot: Valentine's Day

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Book: Cowboy Jackpot: Valentine's Day by Randi Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Randi Alexander
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hear me?"
    Stormie gave her the evil eye. "Like you and Dallas
weren't banging around up in your suite this afternoon.”
    Kira had no response to that slice of truth.
    Jayden finished his tour of the stage and called,
    She turned toward him as he ran and fell to his knees,
sliding to a stop in front of her. "Wanna stick a dollar in my
    Kira rolled her eyes. "Really?"
    Stormie laughed like a teenager. "I can think of a few
more interesting things I'd like to stick in there."
    Kira grimaced. "Really?"
    Jayden jumped down from the stage, took Stormie's hand, and
tugged her with him toward the exit.
    Kira made a few steps to follow, but Dallas stopped Jayden
at the door. A lot of angry gestures flew between them, some finger pointing,
then Dallas nodded, listened to whatever Stormie had to say, and let them go.
    Grabbing her purse, Kira stomped to where Dallas stood next
to another cowboy she'd seen outside the casino earlier. "Why did you let
them go?"
    He took her arms in his big hands. "They're okay. They
just want to spend some time alone together. Jayden promised nothing would
happen except some kissing."
    "And you believe him because…" She tilted her
head, waiting.
    "Because Stormie promised to leave Jayden a virgin when
she finished with him."
    Kira broke out laughing.
    Dallas grinned then laughed, too.
    "God, I hope she does. He does." She waved her
hands. "I hope both of them don't."
    Dallas put his arm around her shoulders. "I'll call and
check on them later." He turned her to face the other cowboy. "Kira,
meet Rance. He rides bulls."
    She held out her hand as the other three women in the
bachelorette party joined them. She and Rance shook hands, and Kira introduced
the cowboys to Gigi's and her friends from New York, Annie, Taylor, and Bree.
    Taylor looked a little shocked behind her heavy glasses, but
she was the quiet one of the group. This whole night had been a little over the
top. Petite and mousy, she had barely said a word when they'd had dinner at
Gigi's favorite restaurant overlooking the huge outdoor fountains on the strip.
    When they'd stopped at two clubs and gone out onto the dance
floor as a group, Taylor stayed on the periphery, never jumping into the middle
of their dance circle.
    Rance tugged Taylor's high ponytail. "You're kinda
quiet, little missy. Everything okay?"
    Taylor hugged her purse to her chest and nodded, her lips
tightly pursed.
    "C'mon." Dallas included all the women and Rance.
"Let's go get the rest of those cowboys and take the Hummer somewhere we
can dance."
    Everyone else headed downstairs, leaving Dallas and Kira
standing close together.
    Kira tapped the big championship buckle he wore. "Do I
get to polish your buckle, cowboy?"
    "Sweetheart…" He kissed her temple. "You can
polish anything of mine you like."
    Kira licked her lips. When she got him alone… "I want
to taste you, take you all the way into my mouth. All the way down my
    Dallas did his growl and his eyes narrowed.
    "Mm hm. And I want to swallow you, swallow your head
and your cum and suck you dry, then lick you clean."
    "Kira." He glanced around. "Let's get a cab
and go—"
    "Nope." She patted his belly. "Dancing first,
then sexing."
    "Sexing. Great." He took her hand and led her down
the stairs. "But I'm warning you. We'll be dancin' mighty fast."
    Two hours later, Dallas half-carried Kira into their suite.
The woman could dance, but definitely lacked the ability to hold her liquor.
    "…and then Taylor said, 'I don't approve of harming
animals for profit', and Rance says, 'You don't know one thing about rodeo,
city girl. So don't go making generalizations…' and that's when Taylor threw
her drink in his face."
    "Shit." Dallas hadn't witnessed the scene, but
he'd seen the death stares Taylor and Rance gave each other in the Hummer on
the way back to the hotel.
    Kira tripped and dropped her purse. "Oops."
    Picking her up in his arms, he carried her into the bedroom.
Her suitcase

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