Cover Spell

Read Online Cover Spell by T.A. Foster - Free Book Online

Book: Cover Spell by T.A. Foster Read Free Book Online
Authors: T.A. Foster
Tags: Romance
top ten hottest accommodations list. He was always full of the unexpected.
    There wasn’t much in my suitcase: a bikini, my favorite flip-flops, and a brand new piece of black lingerie my sneaky boyfriend had slipped in through the side zipper. His arms wrapped around the pillow under his head as he lay on his stomach, inhaling then exhaling slow, rhythmic breaths. My heart was on fire every time I looked at him. I was so in love with Finn—in love with his rebellious attitude, his fun energy, his amazing body, his magnetic charm, everything that made him Finn.
    I smiled and pulled the sheet up over my chest, thinking about last night. I thought I spied that piece of lingerie hanging off the end table on Finn’s side. I laughed then covered my mouth with my hand. I didn’t want to wake him.
    I slipped off the side of the bed and tiptoed to the bathroom. The coolness of the marble tile surprised my feet, and I hopped onto the fluffy rug in front of the shower door. I looked at my reflection in the full-length gilded mirror. My hair was a mess. I ran my hands along my neck. There were light pinkish bite marks on my fair skin. My adrenaline started racing as I remembered Finn pinning me against the shower wall and using his teeth on my neck to keep himself from screaming out. I slid my fingertips over the marks again and smiled. They didn’t hurt, but I couldn’t walk around Savannah with visible bite marks. I knew they would draw more than one suspicious stare.
    “Glamour.” I pointed at the indentions, and slowly, the pink, puffy marks faded. My neck looked freshly unbitten. I wrinkled my nose in the mirror.
    Between the utter bliss I experienced with Finn last night, I remembered I had promised to show him how to Time Spell today. I had never shared my special spell with anyone before. Actually, no one had asked me. It was my gift spell, but unlike most gift spells, I had to practice and perfect the Time Spell until I could use it seamlessly. There were all kinds of complications that could arise from time travel, but I kept it as uncomplicated as possible by not interfering in the past. I strictly traveled for the sake of observation.
    I had a slight sinking feeling in my stomach when I wondered whether Finn would or could adhere to the rules I had in place. I brushed them aside when I looked at the shower wall and remembered us from last night. Of course he would respect the spell’s boundaries; he would do anything for me. He loved me.
    I opened the glass door of the shower and twisted the handle to the hottest setting. I stepped in, and closed the door and then my eyes as the water washed over my body. I turned to soak my hair under the steady stream of water, when I heard the clicking sound of the shower door as it latched into place.
    “Don’t open your eyes.” Finn’s voice carried through the steam-filled shower. Even through the burning heat of the water, his voice could still set every part of me on fire.
    I kept my eyes closed and let the curves of my body align with the form of his disciplined, athletic body. I felt the smoothness of his wet skin touching my back as the stream of water searched for a way to trickle between us. I gasped as Finn wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his face into my neck. I laughed. I had a feeling we weren’t going to get much accomplished today, much less a time-intensive, focused, hard-as-hell, witchy spell.

    Hand in hand, we strolled down the streets of Savannah, window shopped, and stopped in for ice cream to cool down. We lounged at the pool all afternoon, and I was excited to show off my new turquoise bikini. Finn’s constant stares convinced me I should wear it more often. After a quick change in the room, we finished off the day with cocktails and dinner at a new restaurant. The reservation list was months long, but Finn had charmed his way into a romantic table for two. The waiter took our orders, and headed to the bar to pick up a mojito for

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