C.O.T.V.H. (Book 1): Creation

Read Online C.O.T.V.H. (Book 1): Creation by Dustin J. Palmer - Free Book Online

Book: C.O.T.V.H. (Book 1): Creation by Dustin J. Palmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dustin J. Palmer
Tags: Urban Fantasy/Vampires
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handed. “Been a long time since I’ve held the old girl.”
    “ I think that should set you up for know," Cort said, looking around the vault. "Is there anything else you need?"
    “ Stakes?” John asked looking through the duffel.
    “ Ah that’s right.” Cort said, rubbing his chin. “Let’s see here . . . you know what? I’m fresh out. Holloway and his boys came by a few weeks back and needed supplies. Completely cleaned me out. I’ll have Talon or Ben bring some extra.”
    John nodded. “Thanks Pop. This will work fine.”
    “ If there’s anything else I can do don’t hesitate to ask. Look . . .” he said, searching for the right words. “I know we’ve had our differences but you’re still my son Johnny and I love Julia like she’s my own daughter. I’d do anything in the world for you three. I’d hunt every one of those bloodsucking freaks down myself if I could. Climbing in my grandson’s room is a declaration of war far as I’m concerned.”
    John gave him a weak smile. "Pop, please just take good care of Jake for me. I'll handle the rest."
    Cort grabbed his shoulder firmly and nodded. "I will, son. Listen, I know you’re upset. But it’s time to go to work. So remember to watch your corners, watch your back, and more importantly, come home alive. Understand?”
    John let out a deep breath, calming himself. “I will, Pop.”
    Cort nodded. “Go find Julia.”
    John turned and placed his own heavy hands on Jake’s shoulders.  "Jake, be good for your Grandpa.  I'll be back as soon as I can."
    "I will, Dad," he choked back tears.  "Please . . . just find Mom." He waved from the front door as his father drove away.
    Cort walked over and laid his hands on Jake's shoulders. "Come on kid.  Let's get you something to eat," Locking the heavy door behind them, he led Jake into the kitchen and sat him down at the round wooden kitchen table. "Do you like bacon sandwiches?"
    "Uh, I guess so," Jake said, laying his head on the table.
    "Of course you do, everyone likes bacon sandwiches," he replied opening the fridge. He proceeded to pull a large package of thick cut bacon out, then a skillet from under the stove.  After a few minutes, the bacon was sizzling.
    Jake’s stomach growled loudly as the smell reached his nostrils. He’d barely touched his TV dinner last night and hadn't realized how hungry he was until that moment.
    When the bacon was done Cort lathered two pieces of bread with mayo and put six crispy pieces of bacon between them, then set it on a paper plate in front of Jake with a big glass of milk. "Eat up,” he said, sitting down in the chair across from him.
    Nothing had ever looked so good. Jake dug in.  The sandwich was everything it had looked to be. Pure deliciousness.
    As he took a big bite, Cort leaned back in his chair. "Jake, son, do you understand what's going on?" he asked then took a sip of his steaming cup of coffee.
    His mouth full of bacon and bread Jake nodded yes.
    "How much did your daddy tell you?"
    "Vampires," Jake said, through a mouth full of sandwich.
    "Yeah.  Vampires," Cort said, with a sigh.  "Blood sucking vampires. What else did he tell you?"
    Swallowing the bite, he took a long swig of his milk then set it down. "He said he used to hunt them."
    "That he did, son," Cort said with a smile.  "That he did. But Johnny wasn't just a vampire hunter.  He was the vampire hunter."
    Taking another massive bite of his sandwich, he listened intently as his Grandpa continued. “Boy, I’ve hunted vampires for damn near thirty years, and I can honestly tell you that I’ve hunted with the absolute best. Billy Williams, Tom Turner, Talon Parker, hell Big Mike Casino! The absolute best in the business! And no one, I mean no one was as good as your daddy was."
    "Funny," Jake swallowed another bite.  "He said the same thing about you."
    Cort snorted.  "In my younger days I was good, but nowhere near as good as your old man."
    "Then why'd he quit?" Jake said, wiping

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