C.O.T.V.H. (Book 1): Creation

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Book: C.O.T.V.H. (Book 1): Creation by Dustin J. Palmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dustin J. Palmer
Tags: Urban Fantasy/Vampires
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stuff. But this is the real world. We’re not the top of the food chain. These things hunt us and only us. The minute you feel pity for them is the day you get yourself killed."
    His grandpa’s words running through his brain, Jake wiped a milk mustache off with his napkin. Finally, the question burning in his mind wouldn’t wait any longer.  He needed to know the truth. "Do you think Mom is okay?” he blurted out. “Do you think she's still alive?"
    Cort coughed nervously. "Uh . . . I don't know son.  I just don't know.” he leaned against the counter. “I wish I could tell you she is, but honestly, I don’t know.”
    He had been hoping for better news, but was glad that he wasn't being lied to and treated like a little kid.
    “ But I can tell you this much.” Cort continued. “If anyone can find her its Talon Parker."
    "Who's he?" 
    "He's the best damn tracker in the business. A genuine Comanche Indian.  He's also one of John's oldest and best friends." Cort drummed his fingers on the countertop nervously. Jake could tell he didn’t like talking about this. "That's enough for now kid.  Let's get you into bed, you must be exhausted."
    He led Jake through the living room and back down the hall.  "The bathroom is right here on the right.” He said, flipping on a switch to a tiny, bare bathroom.  “This room on the left is my office.” Jake peered inside to see the walls covered with maps with pins in them. A black typewriter sat on an old metal desk. “Now this one here was your daddy's room when he was a kid, you can sleep in here.” The room’s walls were bare of any pictures. Old blue curtains covered the barred windows. A large king size bed sat in the middle of the room. A small dresser sat against the wall.
    “ A king size bed?” Jake said, looking at the bed taking up most of the room.
    Cort laughed. “Yeah well. Your dad hit six foot when he was in the fifth grade!”
    “ Wow!” Jake said, with a laugh. Cort pointed at the last room at the end of the hall. “This is my room. Anytime you need me kid, I’m just a yell away."
    Jake glanced around his room nervously. The last thing he wanted to do was go back to sleep. What if they find me here? "Grandpa.  I'm afraid to go to sleep.  What if one of them crawls through my window and sucks the life out of me?”
    Cort leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arms. "Don't you worry son.  For one, it's daylight.  Rule number one, vampires can't come out in the daylight.  Turns ‘em into crispy critters.  Two, I've got bars on the windows and doors and the attic is reinforced with rebar. There's no way a vampire can get into this house without making a hell of a lot of noise.  It's built like a fort.  And three . . ." he reached behind his back pulling out a large caliber revolver. Jake’s eyes grew large as saucers. He’d been sitting with him the entire time and had no idea he had that on him. "Let them come. I'm ready if they do.  I've got at least five guns stashed in every single room in this house. By God, it will be the last thing they ever do. You're safer here than anywhere else.  Oh and if you come across one of those guns, leave it alone, don't touch it, don't mess with it.  I'll teach you to use it in good time.  For now, though leave it alone.  Understood?"
    "Understood." Jake nodded. "Thank you Grandpa," he said, wrapping his arms around him.
    Cort hugged him back.  "Everything is going to be okay. I’m really glad you’re here son. Now get some sleep. I’ve got a whole mess of phone calls to make," Cort gently closed the bedroom door leaving Jake alone in his new room.
    Jake climbed under the covers of the massive bed, his thoughts dwelling on his parents.  He lay there praying as he'd never prayed before.  Praying that his mom would be found okay. That he would wake up to find this was all just a bad dream and though he didn't think it would ever come, sleep finally took him.


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