Conquering Passion

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Book: Conquering Passion by Anna Markland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Markland
drawn his sword, Ram’s brothers had responded, which was just as well because he’d rushed forward to catch Mabelle when she fainted. Gathering her up into his arms, he’d wanted to beg her forgiveness. Glaring at him as if he had two heads, Giselle had picked up the trailing veil and unfastened it from Mabelle’s hair. Her tresses had fallen free, prompting a desire to run his hands through the golden curls. His betrothed had felt light in his arms, her head nestled against his chest, yet his heart was heavy. What he’d done would turn her against him. He wanted her as he’d never wanted a woman, but he pushed the ache aside. Glory and honour beckoned.
    Mabelle preferred to be in a stupor. Then there were no tears. When she was awake, they came unbidden and she couldn’t cease sobbing, despite Giselle’s best efforts to console her. For two days she couldn’t speak of her humiliation. Then she could only stammer, “He—he—does—doesn’t want me, Giselle.”
    Giselle sat on the edge of the bed and stroked her mistress’s hair. “He’s conflicted, milady , he’s young. Young men don’t like to rush into marriage.”
    Mabelle shook her head. “He—he doesn’t—want me.”
    Giselle sighed. “ Milord Rambaud isn’t a cruel man. It’s a postponement.”
    Mabelle blew her nose. “He—does—not—want—me.”
    “Soon there’ll be war with Harold of England. Milord Rambaud must concentrate on his duty to his Duke.”
    “But—he doesn’t want me. He doesn’t like me.” A fit of hiccups followed this outburst.
    Giselle continued to stroke her lady’s hair. “ Non , that’s not true milady . He’s come several times a day to ask about you. He carried you here when you fainted. I’ve known milord since he was a boy. He cares for you.”
    Mabelle lay back against the bolster. “He abandoned me at the chapel door. I wish my father had killed him.”
    “Hush, milady . You know that’s not true. You must eat something. That will improve your spirits.”
    Mabelle shook her head. “I can’t eat. I’ll be sick.”
    Giselle rose and went to fetch a goblet. “Drink then, a sip of ale.”
    After another day, Mabelle grudgingly accepted broth, but refused to leave her bed. In the years with her father she’d never known such humiliation. She’d allowed herself to hope, to have feelings, and Ram de Montbryce had ground her into the dirt. She’d disgusted him. He would never feel anything for her, and yet she still desired him, couldn’t get the picture of him at the lake out of her head.
    How can I marry him now? Twice he has betrayed me.
    Eventually, Giselle coaxed her into a soothing bath. She felt better with her hair washed, but when the maid searched through her garments for a suitable dress, and Mabelle espied the wedding gown, she said loudly, “I never want to see it again.”
    Giselle took the garment with her and left the chamber, bumping into Ram. His arms were folded across his chest, a frown creased his brow. She bundled the dress more tightly to her body in an effort to conceal what she was carrying.
    He fingered the material. “Don’t worry, Giselle. I understand her hatred of the gown.”
    “You heard , milord ?”
    “ Oui .” He ran his hands through his hair. “I didn’t think she’d be this upset.”
    Giselle snorted. “She’s a woman , milord , a woman you rejected at the chapel door. How do you imagine she feels?”
    Ram bristled. “She’ll just have to get used to me. She’s wilful.”
    Giselle pressed the dress more tightly to her body. “How do you know that? You only spent five minutes with her, and she was in a swoon for most of that time.”
    He knew he’d slipped, and looked away. “I mean, from what I understand—from what Antoine has told me.”
    She frowned. “Antoine? He barely knows her either.”
    Ram hoped that was true. He’d been reluctant to broach the topic with his brother and didn’t like that this mistrust stood between them. Had

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