Conquering Passion

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Book: Conquering Passion by Anna Markland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Markland
she been waiting for Antoine in the meadow? He and his brother had always had a close bond, sharing everything. But he didn’t want to share Mabelle.
    Why does she rouse such strong feelings in me?
    He’d reacted badly at the lake, but her beauty and state of undress had taken him unawares. When he’d carried her to her chamber, an intense feeling of longing had swept over him. He’d wanted to cradle her to his breast, to protect her. Now he stammered on, driven by a need to justify his actions to this little maid who knew him well, who he knew cared for him. “I’m told she rides her mare all over the estate, mounted astride. This isn’t the behaviour of a future Comtesse . She must comport herself in a suitable manner, something she evidently hasn’t been taught. She must learn to be a Montbryce.”
    “But her mare is one of her few pleasures, milord .”
    “Nevertheless, when she recovers, I’ll speak with her. We’ll come to an understanding of whose wishes and desires rule in a marriage. I must have obedience.”
    Giselle stared at him, open-mouthed.
    “What? What’s wrong? Giselle!” he shouted to her back as she stomped off.
    I’ll never understand women!

    A sennight passed before Mabelle would agree to eat in the Great Hall with everyone else. Ram cringed when he saw her unhappy face. The spark had left her eyes, and she chewed her bottom lip nervously. She looked tired and ill-at-ease, but his manhood hardened at the sight of her.
    This woman never fails to rouse me.
    He took her hand and indicated the seat next to him. “Mabelle, sit here by me.”
    She didn’t try to withdraw her hand, but her fingers were stiff. “That’s not my place, milord ,” she replied coldly. “I’m not your wife. I have no right to sit at the head table.”
    He squeezed her hand, drawing her to the seat. “You’re still my betrothed, Mabelle. Please obey me and sit here.”
    She raised her chin and looked him in the eye. A flash changed the warm brown, rich as the earth of his homeland, to an angry blaze, and he remembered her reaction at the lake to the mention of obedience.
    Good, the fire is back in her eyes!
    She took her hand from his, sat demurely, back rigid, hands folded in her lap. He suddenly missed the warmth of her skin, but resisted the urge to grab both her hands, press them to his face and kiss the palms.
    Mabelle glanced over at Hugh and Antoine, seated further along the table, and smiled. Both returned the smile, but Antoine winked, sending pangs of jealousy searing through Ram. He wanted to leap up and pound his brother into the ground. Trying to control his temper, he turned to speak to Mabelle, ignoring Hugh’s barely concealed snorts of laughter. “I’m glad to see you’ve recovered.”
    She shrugged her shoulders lightly and shook her head. “I’ll never recover.”
    There was no anger in her voice, only resignation, and he regretted he was the cause. Putting his hands squarely on his knees, he leaned towards her slightly and offered, “Let me explain my actions. Perhaps then you’ll not think so ill of me.”
    She looked up into the ceiling beams. “I’m all ears, milord .”
    Ram fought the urge to tell her she shouldn’t treat him with such sarcasm. “I requested a postponement, Mabelle. We will marry when I feel the time is right.”
    “And when might that be, milord ?”
    She’s a feisty filly.
    The idea brought new blood rushing to his manhood. He cleared his throat. “I’ll be off to war to fight for the Duke in England. He is relying on me. Until then, you and I can come to know each other, perhaps repair some of the mistrusts, come to an understanding.”
    She turned to look at him. “An understanding of what?”
    She’s baiting me. She looks me right in the eye when she baits me.
    He coughed again, rubbing his forefinger briefly over his top lip. “Well, of certain standards, codes of behaviour for a future Comtesse .”
    She looked away. Even

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