Compromising Positions (An Erotic Romance Novel)

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Book: Compromising Positions (An Erotic Romance Novel) by Tawny Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tawny Taylor
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touch them. He could bite them. He could do a lot of things to them.
    But damn it all, he wouldn’t! At least not tonight.
    Time for a cold shower.

Chapter 5
    Mothers always know the most inopportune times to call.
    The next morning, a mild hangover was the least of Fate’s regrets. Sure, she hadn’t done much with Gabe…at least she didn’t think she had. Last she remembered she’d kept her clothes on. But waking up completely—okay, almost—naked was a big surprise. The kind of shocker that sends a person running for the bathroom to check things out. She hadn’t been that drunk last night, had she? Surely she’d remember if they’d fucked!
    Then again, maybe the dreams still fresh in her mind hadn’t been dreams at all…
    Shit! She checked her whole body for signs of lovemaking, love bites, anything. Finding nothing, she showered, dressed, and waited for Gabe to pick her up for work, the whole time a pleasant ache pulsing between her legs.
    He’d undressed her. That thought alone turned her on.
    She stretched away a bit of stiffness in her neck and gazed out the living room window. Still no Gabe. She glanced at the clock. Seven-twenty. Where was he? Had he forgotten? Was he feeling so rotten for what he’d done last night—which was nothing, she guessed—that he couldn’t face her today?
    She stared at the street, somewhat comforted when she spied the sexy black car prowling toward her driveway. In one swoop, she grabbed her purse, briefcase, and lunch and headed for the door, meeting Gabe on the front porch.
    He smiled. “Morning. How’re you feeling?”
    “I’m okay. Swallowed half a bottle of Tylenol, but otherwise, I think I’ll live.”
    “You did?”
    “I’m kidding. Honest.”
    He glanced at his watch. “Sorry I’m late.”
    “It’s okay. At least I won’t be the only one late to work.”
    “We won’t be late. Promise.” He dropped behind her as she walked, a hand resting at the small of her back. The seemingly innocent contact sent her heart into a wild gallop.
    “There’s another one of those promises,” she teased, glancing over her shoulder as she dropped into the passenger seat. Her gaze was met with a very warm one in return.
    “I kept my word last night.”
    “You did?” Guess she had her answer, sort of. “I mean, yes, you did.” A smidge of disappointment settled in her gut. She watched him walk around the front of the car, and heat spread through her body as he slipped into the seat next to her. His hand gripped the stick shift as he shifted into reverse and backed out of the driveway. She watched him orchestrate the movement of legs and hands as he drove. “I’ve never driven a stick. Is it hard?”
    “Depends upon how you grab it. Wanna check for yourself?” He motioned toward his lap.
    She rolled her eyes, hoping to hide her sudden case of guilt for manhandling his ‘stick’ last night, and smiled. “Seriously.”
    He sighed. “Just a little tricky at first. Some cars are harder, only because the clutch can be difficult to press in. This car’s a breeze to drive.”
    She nodded and watched familiar houses drift by as they neared the main road. “Thanks again for driving me home last night. You were right. I guess I wasn’t in any condition to drive.”
    “No problem. There’s no way I’d let a friend drive like that.”
    “So, we’re friends now?”
    He glanced at her. “You mean we weren’t before?”
    She laughed. He was such a knucklehead. A delightful, funny, sexy goof. “Not in my book.”
    “Damn! You were on my Christmas card list.”
    She chuckled. “Then why didn’t I get a card this past Christmas?”
    “I didn’t send anyone a card. I’m terrible with those kinds of things. Someday, when I get married, my wife’ll have to handle that, or we’ll be disowned by our friends and family for sure.”
    The picture of him married with a house full of kids sent another chuckle into her throat. “You? Married?”
    “Hey, it could

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